Ordered A Light From Wallbuys. Think I'll Get It?

I’m in California and ordered a DQG Tiny 18650 II, (no battery), from Wallbuys yesterday. I know they are out on holiday until Feb. 6th but I thought I’d order ahead of time just in case of the remote chance they get sold out.

They had several options of shipping and I didn’t know which way to go so I opted for EMS. I know most things nowadays from China can take a lo-o-ong time to receive, (an order from cnqualitygoods I placed a few months ago took almost a month to receive), but do you think I have a chance of actually receiving it?

Every light I have ordered from wallbuys has arrived in perfect condition.

And that’s 10+

And I always just pick the china post option. EMS should be there a ton quicker.

I have 99% rate with them… with 1 package still didn’t arrive yet, don’t know who’s fault is this one.
USPS don’t know where’s the package… meanwhile wallbuys refuse to acknowledge that the package is missing and refused to send a new one until the package shipped back to china ( for whatever reason)
so the waiting game has begun for me :_(

I’ll be glad if the USPS acknowledge that the package is missing and send me confirmation on that, so wallbuys can resend me my lights :weary:

They're not dinodirect. You'll almost certainly get it. I've had two lost packages. One was lost in customs. USPS never got their hands on it. The other package didn't have tracking, so I have no idea what happened. Neither of those was from Wallbuys.

Mine took 38 or so days. They ship into the a port in New York. So you will have a longer postal time to get there to the country of California. 8) My guess is 45 days from date of shipment? Of course its Year of the Horse, so they may choose to use the Pony Express. In the meantime you could run down to Home Depot and check out their specials?? 0:)

How do they work?

I bought a flashlight on January 24, with even the coupon discount.
I have not received a confirmation email.
I know it’s leave now.
I only bill payment through paypal.

they send an email when they send? (as of February 6 or the next days)?


I’ve had no problems with my orders from WB. I just make sure that I file a PayPal claim just before the 45 day mark if the order doesn’t show up.

I’ve only had had one PayPal dispute for an item not received. It had no tracking and they refunded me quite quickly (almost too quickly; as like they thought I would not receive). I also had one bad Li-ion battery and they gave me a refund for that without having to send it back.

In my books, I consider them to be pretty good. I’ve made at least a few dozen orders from them so far.

Have also ordered the DQG tiny II but I was ahead by 10 days. It shipped the following day. Average shipment time is 1 month and I have no problem with this as long as I receive them. Your order may take much longer than usual due to the holidays and the backlog of orders and inquiries when they return.
I had 2 shipments that went over 60 days and I got refunded.

30/01/2014 17:11 Departure from office of exchange HKHKGA
30/01/2014 10:30 Departure from office of exchange HKHKGA
29/01/2014 10:04 Item accepted in network INTERNATIONAL POST

Mine took 35 days.

ive made about 8-10 orders with wallbuys

there are issues with their site from time to time and errors during checkout

HOWEVER - everything i have paid for, i have received, and within 40 days.

Thanks for that bgyen as I wasn’t aware of the time limit on claims through PayPal.

Thanks also to you others for your replies on your experiences with Wallbuys. Looks like hopefully I’ll get it if it’s before 45 days. Of course ordering it at the start of Chinese New Year didn’t help. :frowning:

tomorrow it coming thats very fast 10 days from wallbuys very good ! (yetz y3)

Well, what do you know? They shipped the light 3 days ago after coming back from the Chinese New Year holiday and it’s already in Los Angeles. That’s pretty darn fast. Yeah, I know I don’t have it in my hot little hands yet but so far, things are looking good. Being that I’m in Northern Calif., I’m hoping I’ll have it by Friday. I’m keeping my fingers crossed! :slight_smile:

Well, it took 3 days to get to Los Angeles from China but it hasn’t moved from L.A. for 4 days. Wonder what the hang-up is?

Got it! 10 days from China ain’t too bad. :slight_smile: If it hadn’t been hung up in L.A. for 5 days, it would have been even faster. I guess using EMS was a good choice.

Weird little light. I’ll post my thoughts in the 18650 forum.