Ordering from Banggood... :P

So It all started in October 2000, I knew that I wanted a big Horn on my car… But as I can be a bit slow at times I waited around for the right product to pop up…

And October 2’nd 2013 I found it ! 12V Chrome Trumpet Air Horn Kit Compressor for Car Truck Boat Wow, at a low low 29.69$ price as well… This is what I have always wanted, since the first time I sat in a car of my own and pressed the Horn button. So, after pawing my flashlight collection, my car, and cashing in on my drinking super glue insurance fraud, I finally had the money.

On October 22’nd I sent my money with pride and joy, after walking to the post office for a wire transfer. I watched the order, pressing f5 in my browser in excitement for 7 days and nights, I quit my job to be able to follow it’s progress online… So, On October 29’th it finally got registered with China Post on the tracking number provided. I was in Ecstasy. Oh what JOY… Soon, I would be able to toot my own horn with the proper deep rich and loud sound I always wanted. . Well, after finally getting to a point where the urge to go to the bathroom drove me away from the constant use of F5 on my computer to check the package progress, I realized it had become December 18. I kinda though it should have been here by now. So I contacted banggood, and they where very sorry, so they re shipped it… I got a new tracking number, and I was again overjoyed, not only because, NOW, surely I would finally get my horn, I’d also been to the bathroom…. Again I waited, and waited… For lets say 30 days, still no horn, actually still nothing registered on the tracking number… So I contacted banggood again… Today… they offered to re ship it a third time. I agreed, only if they would use DHL… SO after agreeing to sell my left kidney to a Russian down at the local docks, they charged me 17.51$ for the expedited shipping, and created a new order for me…

Oh… I just love ordering online sometimes… Things go so smoothly…

At least by summer 2015 I’ve probably got 3 horns… I can’t wait to be able to toot them.

Not sure if this is sarcasm or a true story :bigsmile: , but either way something about this story makes me 12V Car boat horny too.

The take away lesson is to pay better attention to the Paypal dispute deadline.

I should probably add that I offered to pay for DHL…

You mentioned that, but it would have been better to get a refund, and then bought it again to get another 45 day Paypal dispute window. It's too late for that this time, so hopefully you get your horn or horns.

I kinda hope it’s in their best intrest to take care for their customers.

Also, I’ve had no problems with any other orders from banggood.

Sorry to hear about your shipping woes .hopefully soon you be able to honk at the reindeer .somehow I thoroughly enjoyed your story :santa:

Ordering from Banggood…DON’T!!!

I’m starting to think that banggood does this crap on purpose . Sending a few orders and skipping a few but give them bogus tracking. Like they are figuring that a few suckers will let the PayPal deadline pass. Eventually PayPal isn’t going to play their game anymore.

I have had the same problems with banggood. The only Chinese vendor that worries me after I press “check out”.

fasttech, wallbuys, manafont and Dealextreme have all been rather quick. Fasttech has been the best of them all.

I have placed a total of 14 orders worth total: US $776.41 with banggood, and this is the only one I’ve had any problems with. I have no overall real reason to complain, I’ve had up’s and downs with most vendors, especially DX…

Oh crap…

I’ve got an order (my first) “on the way” from Banggood. I hope they don’t screw up :expressionless:

I am waiting for a order i recieved today they screwed up now to be fixed. I am setting a time limit on their response to my order problem just incase if they want to keep me as a future customer supporting their sales/site.

I stopped ordering from Manafont long ago. I also stopped ordering from DX for a while, but recently (last 4 months) started using them again.
I must say, so far I’ve had a good run (last 4 months) with DX. Fasttech was great up till about last September, so I’m “going slow” with my purchases from them.
Just my 2 cents worth…

I agree. Dx was where I went in the early days. Shipment times were Avg but their prices were too high. Manafont didn’t have much to offer. Their website was outdated. Fasttech always supplied tracking within 48 hours and the package arrived in 7 to 10 days, with regular usps mail.

I have one flashlight on the way from banggood ordered 2 weeks ago but they don’t provide any tracking number with it. No problem with DX, FT and TMART but my flashlight ordered from WALLBUY almost a month still not arrive yet… :expressionless:

I’ve never had any problems with orders from Bangood. Infact some small times have arried in record times here in the UK, it took only 8 days door to door for my kids robo fish to arrive. Whereas some small itmes from Fasttech ordered before Chrismas are nowwhere to be seen.

I think half the time it’s not the webstore/shop that is at fault, it’s the postal system.


they are horrible.

They've been about the same as Fasttech for me.

So do we have a air horn group buy coming up?? :wink: :bigsmile: