Changelog (from v3.0)
- combined ATtiny 13A/85 footprint
- added support for battery indication LED (I+/I-/R5/±)
- moved C2 closer to MCU
- added Rmcu to reduce ringing
- added multiple spots for C1 and R1
- increased GND path to FET
- increased amount of GND vias
- increased amount of LED+ vias
- added thermals for AMC7135s
- slightly larger GND pads for AMC7135s
- removed star-pads
- removed snubber pads
- removed SW+(3)
- 13A/85: MCU ATtiny13A or 25/45/85; 8S1 (SSU) or 8S2 (20SU)
- Rmcu: Series resistor between VCC and MCU Pin1; 0805
- FET: N-Channel MOSFET at Pin3 or Pin6; LFPAK56
- Rgate: Series gate resistor; 0805
- Rpldn: Pulldown resistor (gate to GND); 0805
- Q1: Single AMC7135 at Pin5; SOT-89
- Q2-10: Up to 9 AMC7135 at Pin3 or Pin6; SOT-89
- D1: Schottky diode (~0.25V) for 1S (4.2V); SOD-323
- LDO: Low dropout regulator for 2S (8.4V) [LDO needs C1 and C2]; SOT-23-5 (Vout is pin5)
- C1: Cin [before Rmcu (C1a) or behind Rmcu (C1b)]; 0805
- C2: Decoupling capacitor for MCU; 0805
- R1: Voltage divider to VCC [before Rmcu (R1a), before D1 (R1b) or behind D1 (R1c)]; 0805
- R2: Voltage divider to GND; 0805
- SW+(2): Pad for momentary switch to Pin2
- SW-: Pad for momentary switch to GND
- Tin/Rt1/Rt2/T+/T-/Ct: Temperature sensor
- I+/I-/Ri/±: Indicator LED
Happy modding