[Oshpark] BLF SRK FET v3 (46mm / LFPAK56 / Dual+Triple Channel / ATtiny13A+85)

here you go :slight_smile:









Pin5 is hardwired to the single 7135 (Q1) for the low modes.

Pin6 and Pin3 can, using the fancy 4-pad-connector (aka QuadPad), alternatively be connected to Q2-11 or the FET.
For the Attiny13A: use Pin6 for the channel you want to PWM, be it the FET or Q2-11. Use Pin3 for the channel you want to just switch on/off.


Component list:

- 13A/85: MCU ATtiny13A or 25/45/85; 8S1 (SSU) or 8S2 (20SU)

- R5: series resistor between VCC and MCU pin1; 0805

- FET: n-channel MOSFET at Pin3 or Pin6; LFPAK56

- (Rgate): series gate resistor; use the QuadPad (FET-to-pin3 or FET-to-pin6); 0805

- Rpldn: pulldown resistor (gate to GND); 0805

- Q1: single AMC7135 at pin5; SOT-89

- Q2-11: up to 10 AMC7135 at pin3 or pin6; SOT-89

- D1: schottky diode (~0.25V) for 1S (4.2V); SOD-323

- LDO: low dropout regulator for 2S (8.4V) [LDO needs C1 and C2]; SOT-23-5 (Vout is pin5)

- C1: input capacitor between VCC/LED+ [behind R5] and GND; 0805

- C2: decoupling capacitor for MCU; 0805

- C3: additional capacitor between VCC/LED+ and GND; 0805

- C4: capacitor between drain/LED- and GND; 0805

- R1: voltage divider to VCC [before D1 / behind R5]; 0805

- R2: voltage divider to GND; 0805

- Rb: bleeder resistor from VCC to GND; 0805

- SW+: pad for momentary switch to pin2

- SW-: pad for momentary switch to GND

- Tin/Rt1/Rt2/T+/T-/Ct: temperature sensor

- I3/Ri3/I-: indicator LED at Pin3

- I7/Ri7/I-: indicator LED at Pin7

  • OTC: offtime capacitor for clicky firmware [using SW+]


- Q1 can be used as Nanjg star 2

- Rt2 can be used as Nanjg star 3

- OTC can be used as Nanjg star 4

- a zener can be placed on Ct, which is MCU+ to GND

  • a momentary switch at Pin3 can be soldered to the QuadPad