Out of the loop for a while what is Best C8+ thrower

OK for a long time I was building off of the C8 platform using the XM L2 LED. It seems like there are a lot more options out there nowadays for a thrower C8 or C8+. Where can I Source a single mode C8 or C8 Plus and is the SST bulb the go to for a thrower. When I was still building lights I think there was an LED called a xpl high that was D domed that I was using also but I can’t find my records on it. If my memory is correct I think the xpl was more of a focus beam than the xml2 I was using. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks again.

Sft40 has been the new hotness, im a fan of the high cri 519a

See if Sofirn is putting the SFT40 in a C8. If not just swap one in. That’s gonna be the best bang for the buck.

Sofirn or Convoy, either will likely use that emitter by request if you ask nicely, if they don’t already.

$20 for an extreme thrower C8, you’re welcome! :slight_smile:

That $20 price tag is just a bait and switch. If you’re not a TRUE new Ali express user you won’t get that price .

Just more Ali Express stupidity . Like showing a low price on a flashlight but after clicking on it you find that it’s the price of the usb cord not the light you were looking at .

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If you say so…

I just bought an Orange C8+ with Osram emitter for $22.41 shipped, with that little tax thrown on.

Reckon we’ll see if it shows up, fully expect it will.

I like the Convoy M21A with the SFT40 emitter.
The SFT40 is the best budget thrower emitter.
The head diameter of the flashlight is 44.5mm, which is the same as a C8 or C8+.
It’s basically a C8 or C8+ running on a 21700 cell.

Here’s the stainless steel bezel for the M21A/C8/C8+ if you want…

If you don’t want a 21700 flashlight, I’m thinking the Convoy C8/C8+ is a good choice. :+1:

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I have a series on this and the best overall would probably be a C8 with a Yinding L50 its throws great and has enough output, the SFT-40 does have a lot more lumens but a lot less throw. Both great choices.

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Adding to that, the M21A/SFT40 also comes with an 8A Boost 6A driver, versus the C8+/SFT40 comes with a 5A driver.

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Did Simon start offering a 20mm 8A driver? I just sanded down my 8A driver to fit my M21A.

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Thanks for that information! :+1:

Good to know! :yum:

Sorry you are correct, I was thinking 22mm(M21B) the 20mm(M21A) is a 6A not 8A Boost. Whoops!

I guess it depends what you mean by ‘best.’

Some people mean the light that throws the farthest, period (often with a pencil-thin beam that is of limited usefulness in real world scenarios. This would be the Osram CSLNM1.TG.)

Personally, I’m willing to trade some of that throw for more lumens and a beam profile that’s more practically useful. That brings us to the SFT40. The beam is slightly cooler than the Osram (6500K instead of 6000K) but it’s wider and brighter, and still throws a decent amount. That would be my choice (in the M21A if possible instead of the C8+ because I prefer the 21700 to the 18650, and the performance is slightly better with the 6A driver.)

tl;dr - M21A or C8+ with the SFT40, depending on your size/battery preferences

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I used to use the XML2 U2 LED a lot this seemed to give me roughly 200 yards throw with a lot of spill. I would like to build a light that has more throw than the old XML2U2 with more of a focused neam but I do not want a pencil beam. Was there a xplHI about 3 years ago that was dedomed

Yes, the XPL-HI (high intensity) https://assets.cree-led.com/a/ds/x/XLamp-XPL.pdf . The SFT40 will easily beat it though.

I don’t hear much about C8s these days. I was a big fan in the past, but I’ve switched to lights which throw farther despite being smaller.

Usually for me that means a Noctigon KR1 with a W1 or W2 emitter. Here’s a comparison of the two from /u/YYesZir:

It might not look like it, but that blue one throws quite a bit farther than the silver C8 next to it, and they both use the same battery.

It doesn’t use a 1-mode driver, but it can be configured to always come on at the same brightness each time, or to do momentary, or 2 levels of momentary. I mostly keep mine in a 2-level momentary mode, so I can just hold the button (or press and release once then hold) to light things up, and it turns off when I let go.

Or you can do a regular click-on then click-off like a C8, except it’s an e-switch instead of a clicky switch. So you can do more with it, but you don’t have to.

Edit: Fixing some outdated info: The pic above shows the old clip. It comes with a deep-carry clip now, or can use a lanyard ring instead.

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The only lamp that appeals to me at the moment is the Wurkkos TS11. It’s a small lamp 90mm x 40mm light with a 18350 tube. SFT40, built-in charging, longer tube available, RGB AUX lEDs.
Andúril2 and the head has flashing pads.
The range is given as 660m. With battery about 30 €.
Quite a no brainer.

I posted here, thought I still have none and ordered one. I wanted to avoid that.
So ein Mist!

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