Hey guys im looking for some help on a custom P60 drop, i found a pic from CPF with measurements but id like to see if there correct ?
the reason for this is that id like to have a run made at a reasonable cost (not sure on cost yet) depends on the design i will have these done in copper and aluminum
i think a 20mm optic will be most used ? correct me if im wrong <<???
im looking for a design that will fit a 20mm optic and if u dont want to use a optic u can use a reflector
here is the pic i found i dont have a good drop in to measure from so i need some help :)
yea your correct wight i must been thinking about my other HS, for the bottom should i have it to fit a 20mm board and use a brass ring to fit a 17mm driver if needed ?
yes, wight remembers correctly. the angled bit at the bottom has to fit past a retaining ledge in the host. it has to stay a 17mm driver and the heatsink will need to be stepped/angled accordingly
IMO Solarforce is the only cheap brand which sells P60 hosts and can also be counted on to have consistent tolerances. All your other options which are consistent enough for snug mass produced heatsinks are either expensive or really expensive.
imo a solarforce host is a must-have for a flashlight enthusiast. A wf-502b costs $5, a solarforce l2 costs$12. Having both, it’s amazing what that extra $7 gets you. The solarforce is completely worth the money.
As far as a quad XP-L, I think the general idea is the same here as the problem with the X6 quads… better to build an EE X6 w/ Cute-3 and domed XP-L emitters. You’ll get more light [by skipping the dedome which is required for 24mm quads], less heat, and it’s apparently a solid host.
Nitro is either going to have to pick a height or produce a sandwich. All these different optics have different heights: