This was in my inbox tonight and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
This was in my inbox tonight and haven't seen it mentioned anywhere.
In the bottom corner there’s a blurb about the MTG-2. 2000 lumens at 18.5 watts, 6, 9 and 36v, 20mm star
Cool. I like the RGBW XMLs too. Hmmm, now what can I stuff one of those into I wonder? … looks around …
I've been spending a bit of time watching the new releases lately, and came across these on Cutter as well. So, last week I ordered a couple of xp-e2's and a MT-G2. The mgt2 really has me excited... the die layout looks more like one large led instead of 12 individuals like the previous generation. Also, check out that thermal resistance on the spec sheet!!! Oh boy...can't wait to play with this one. Should give the sst-90 a run for it's money in output.
Hopefully it'll arrive next week.
Match, do you have a link? Me being me have a hard time navigating and understanding most of the items on there web site.
Looks like I will be watching the Match! I think he is going to start a fire.
Damn that thing makes the sst90 look like a midget.
Sorry, I'm not interested in being friends with midgets.
Midgets piss me off. :(
May I sugest as a reflector for the MT-G2, a cement mixer barrel chrome plated. It should make quite a thrower. I'm looking forward to your little project.
Horst Horstmann can you please delete your above post.
I bet a MT-G still won’t fit.
Huh...I must have missed Horst's photo...wonder what it was.
Anyhoo... Yes, the MT-G2 emitter is rather large. As for plans for it? Dunno...haven't gotten that far yet. Mainly I wanted it to test (and because I don't have one yet). More curiosity at this stage than anything.
I have an old incan spotlight with a fair sized reflector that might make a good host for this. I think I might be able to use some VPX battery packs to run it as well (2x 18650 lifepo4)
Hmmm, if this can be overdriven as well as the other recent Cree releases, this could be fun.