My DX order was way off and I contacted CS. They ignored my ticket so I opened a dispute with Paypal. Then I get this response - do I follow their direction and close the dispute or are they just lying (like everything else to date)?
If your PayPal payment was made 43 -44 days ago..I would keep the dispute OPEN. If you close, you have no way to recoup your losses if it should come to that.
I always file dispute at day 43 no matter what and inform the vendor in detail about it. Very simple, don't wanna lose your ass.
I have closed a dispute in the same situation but that was with FastTech and only for a few Dollars, certainly under $5, it all turned out well but PayPal made it clear that they would do no more to help if I did close it. I felt sure FastTech would be true to their word and it was only a few Dollars
It is your decision but you could tell PayPal what they are demanding and see what happens. Personally I sort of trust FastTech, every complaint I’ve had with them I’ve had settled by them in my favour and only the once have I had to resort to PayPal’s dispute system, I probably wouldn’t feel the same way with DX because I’ve had very few dealings with them.
So normally I would say no, don’t close the dispute and contact PayPal to explain they want you to close the dispute unless you trust DX or can afford to lose the money.
Fasttech is the only one where I don’t automatically open a dispute at the 40+ day mark, which has only happened a couple of times and wasn’t their fault. They’ve been solid through dozens of orders. I’ve had enough bad experiences with DX to where I only place small, simple orders with them. They don’t seem to mess up those simple orders but I would PP claim them in a heartbeat if they didn’t immediately make something right.
I give most sellers one or two good chances to make things right, and that’s almost always enough. But if they are unresponsive then let them deal with PP. If they are suddenly responsive after the PP claim, too bad. If I have to file the PP claim in the first place then we can’t be friends
No matter who it is, where it is, follow PP instructions and directions in regard to PP. Anything else is just foolish. It may turn out, but that is beside the point. PP isnt there to protect you from those who mean you no harm, its there to protect you from the unscrupulous. It cant do so, if youre predicting the outcome and relying on that prediction.
Even if the dealer is honest, and generally good to deal with, if you close the dispute, you have nothing to rely on. And even those good to deal with make mistakes, things get lost. They might think youre ripping them off. Who knows how it will turn out. You pay for PP (conversion rates etc), use it.
There is only one way to protect yourself. LISTEN TO THE ORGANISATION PROTECTING YOU. Not the seller.
Let me give you an example. If I order something, it doesnt arrive in 43 days. Id open a dispute with PP. If the seller says to me, “sorry for that, we are pleased to tell you the item has been resent along with a surprise for your inconvenience, please close the PP dispute so we can be paid”. Nope, I will not cancel the dispute. However, if PP have refunded me I will pay for the item if/when it arrives. If PP has not refunded me yet, and the seller tries to tell me they havent been paid, Ill take it up with PP and let PP sort that out, ONCE THE NEW ONE IS IN MY HAND. Never fall for the traps.
Playing devils advocate here, but one reason not so sinister (Im referring to DX here, not fleabay) is that PP will eventually prohibit an organisation as a payment option with them. Enough disputes, and they pull the pin apparently. Not sure what the number is, but I can see why a seller would want to avoid the end result being PP finalising the claim. Even those with good intentions would prefer it to end between the parties as PP does not count that as a claim. Wi9th enough transactions every day, they could easily rack up the numbers just via human error without malicious intent.
I have no inside information re PP, but its my understanding of the system, and to honest it makes business sense they would have such a process in place.
Of course it is a lie. The battery charger that arrived in my post was a lie too, they were 4 x 18650 batteries, not chargers. Sometimes the bending of rules is to our advantage. But here, their intention may not be to scam you of that money (it might be too). It could just be to resolve the issue without PP claims and disputes. ie: the item was out of stock, or some other such reason. Like I said, I believe PP get uppity with sellers who are involved in x amount of disputes/claims. I wouldnt want PP removed as an option for my business so I would try to prevent that. I would use other means, but thats not necessarily open to Chinese sellers. We pay peanuts for stuff, get free postage, and expect the seller to bear the costs of wayward couriers, and now to bear the brunt of PP policies. As I said in my previous post, I wouldnt be dismissing the claim. I follow PPs rules regarding their protection. But Im stating it might not necessarily be a SCAM to us, but a scam to get around PP’s penalties.
Im sure one of the sellers will be able to clear it up. It might not even be true regarding PP penalties. Its just something I had heard was true. It sounds like the type of thing PP would do.
But they have other options beside saying “funds are locked”.
They could be honest.
And / or mark items that DX doesn’t actually have in stock. Free shipping for this item may take over 45 days. I suspect most of the items that don’t show up within 45 day were not actually shipped till a good while later.
That exact wording is the same across the board with Cn vendors, probably in their culture/language equivalent to our ‘cheque in the post’ and who hasn’t made use of that one at some stage :nerd_face: I Just accept it as a negotiation tactic with most of them. They are bargaining for more time. For most of them it’s not a way of defrauding people (though that can happen with some of them)
The postal system nowadays is far worse than it used to be, I have heard rumours that PayPal may be altering some of their dispute procedures to account for this. Don’t forget it goes both ways over behaviour, the amount of people lodging disputes under 30 days is I am informed quite high. Also I believe most of the people that inhabit this forum would inform/return/pay if an item that had been refunded due to non delivery was then actually delivered. In the wider world very few would do so.
So I understand vendors tactics in trying to wait the 60 days the shipping carriers want before they entertain the vendors claims against them. Very annoying and suspicion making though it may be. I am afraid just one of the vagaries of bargain hunting, internet shopping.
Oh dear that would be every item at DX then Unless they have changed their trading model, I wonder in reality if they keep any stock in-house.
I have had correspondence with a vendor about shipping batteries by sea to me. He told me though he specifically states that the delivery times could be as much as 70 days he still has complaints about non delivery after two weeks. And is one of the reasons virtually no vendors offer surface carriage as an option.
You seem to be having a separate conversation. I never said it was good, ethical, intelligent, desirable or the only choice they have.
I said its not certain its a SCAM as was stated in a post. A scam is where someone sets out to steal from you with never an intention of delivering some good or service. Intentionally not delivering the goods while taking the money seems unlikely to be a stratagem employed by DX. Fleabay is another matter, Fleabay being the market DX was likened too in the post mentioning the ‘common’ scam, that I responded too.
Selling what they dont have with hopes to have it in stock soon? Likely.
If not in stock, sourcing it cheap from 3rd parties with nasty drivers or older LEDs etc, maybe.
Asking not to have the PP dispute actioned so as they lose out, yet the buyer gets good(s) after 50-60 days. Likely.
Wait - sea shipment was an actual option? I had no idea - usually only B2B offers this.
I think Paypal should open another option for shipment by sea with different timeline window. Maybe 50days minimum before dispute then sellers no longer need to break the law by air-shipping li-ions.