I closed my account 3 years ago because PayPal decided to go with a Chinese company. The light arrived defective. It was $110 light and PayPal said that I had to send it back and pay for the shipping which was between $65 and $70. I took the loss then closed my account.
Fast forward to today. I sold a light last weekend so I decided, not that I wanted to, to open up another Paypal account. Having no idea what their changes were.
You can’t call them on the phone, you can’t email them, this automated helper is robotic and not an actual person sending you instant messages, and to chat with an actual person you have to wait several hours!
The issue is my money on hold. Since I’m a new seller or a new account they put it on hold. I can understand that to a certain extent. However I saw today, where they posted a message on my app, that when the shipment is received by the buyer the money will be released within one day of the delivery. That delivery was yesterday around 1:00. So yes, I realize that it’s been 30 hours.
But it’s so frustrating. I can’t communicate with anybody it’s ridiculous! As soon as I get my money I’m closing this account I’m never dealing with them again. If I happen to sell a light which I don’t too often these days I’ll go with zelle and hopefully the other person has that or I’ll put some trust in them and take a personal check. That would be quicker than Paypal.
It could be months or years before I sell another light. So I would go through the same thing cuz I’m a new seller or haven’t sold something in a while. The hell with them!
And I did everything I could to expedite me receiving my funds. I sent them tracking and provided them all my information that was put in my account.
I don’t disagree. They locked me out of my account a while ago over some verification nonsense (even though I was using two factor authentification) and I decided it wasn’t worth the effort of trying to contact somebody and get back into a service I didn’t want to use anyway. Pretty much all businesses have an alternative to PayPal these days since eBay ditched them, not sure what alternatives are best for private sales.
Also had an incident some years ago where both eBay and PayPal sided with a difficult seller because tracking said delivered, this was however fraudulent as Hermes couriers had been stealing packages and marking them down as delivered, made the local news and everything.
Through this message center he asked me to put the transaction ID and the date and the amount. When I did that it didn’t display the transaction id. It wouldn’t show them! Like it’s some secret information.
My best bet is to probably forget about it and just wait. The more I try to communicate with their primitive ways the more frustrated I’ll get.
I remember years ago before Paypal — I use to try out and the Resell stereo equipment — back then money orders and personal checks were the thing — on one occasion I took two Postal money orders for an amplifier —- one was max I think was $750 and the other $500 — I had to make Several trips to the PO till finally tellers had enough cash to cash them — bringing back bad memories here — waiting on checks to clear
It takes up to 21 days to get money released after the item is delivered, The issues you guys mention are minor, there are much bigger problems, PP will not always be on the side of a buyer, which is ok, buyers can be unreasonable too, but the issue is scammers, when you dispute a scam, they will not investigate it, if a seller aka scammer provided tracking history (of someone else's package that was shipped to your town), they close the case in sellers favor, and you can not dispute it anymore, even if you get evidence later.
IT maybe off topic, but it may benefit someone anyway, the way scammers operate, they either list an item on ebay, or have their own websites, you pay for it, and you wait for tracking, for days they send you nothing, then you get entire tracking history with your item marked as delivered, However the tracking history only shows the city the package went to, tracking number and nothing more. so you dispute as if you did not get it, they contact the seller who shows them this tracking history, as far as PP is concerned, it was delivered. The scammers know, it is impossible for you to get original shipping label, with complete information, but not always. sometimes you can get one, so if something like this happens to anyone, do not open a dispute until you have the shipping label, which shows actual address and name, which will not be yours. I'm pretty sure those scammers somehow either have access to fedex ups, dhl, databases and can pick a tracking that they can pass up as yours, or they work for those companies, and doing scamming on the side.
That is why I always use a credit card. Whenever I do a transaction via PayPal. They also screwed me over some years ago. They sided with an online dating service that I was using at the time. The site renewed my account subscription without my permission. Of course, Paypal investigated in about five minutes and sided with the company. Lucky for me I had used my credit card on file with Paypal. I dialed them up and explained what had happened. They refunded me my money. Nowadays, I never used my debit card or bank account for large transactions on PayPal. Credit card companies will usually stand up for you. Where’s, Paypal is only interested in getting your money and their fees. FYI: Paypal does actually have a phone line where you can actually speak with a customer service rep. I believe this is it: 1-888-221-1161
Cochise, same experience in 2020 with face masks from Fasttech. We paid a premium for express delivery, and weeks later FT asked for more money, which we sent. They arrived much too late and were not usable due to their chemical stench. No help from Paypal. Since the order was really expensive, we sent the masks back but were down a lot of money for shipping (>> $100); FT only paid the money for the masks back, not shipping.
I’m still using PP, but only buy from chinese shops I trust. AE, KD, intl-outdoor, Acebeam, Reylight … there are many really good shops. So, instead of kicking PP, we kicked FT. May they rot in hell.
The guy said he would get back to me last night to resolve it. Never heard from him again!
Again, when I put the transaction ID in, this is all that appeared on the screen. Lol.
Don’t you think the agent/ customer service or whatever the heck the guy is would know that? It’ll work out in the end I’ll get my money eventually and the account will be closed permanently.
Besides the communication hassles we can all have you guys are probably established in regards to having several sales. He sent me the criteria for when I won’t have to wait for a payment. But I’ll never make it that far because I don’t sell that often so it’d be like starting all over again. In addition I have no desire to use them again, it is so time consuming and frustration.
I agree and I will. I knew a few days ago that as soon as I got my money my account would be closed and that’s just what I’m going to do once it clears my bank. :+1:
Only reason I started a new account cuz I was selling a light. I use my credit card for everything and they’ve always backed me up. I don’t need PayPal. If I sell another light down the road, there’s other ways to get money exchanged between two parties.
P.S. how is the weather in Finland right now? It’s going to be 15° F - 9 Celsius tonight Sunday is going to be minus 14 Celsius and 6 F where I live in upstate PA. Very refreshing for my Husky. :sunglasses:
December, January, February and March will even be more refreshing.
Gentleman I wrap it up on a positive note. A few photos in my best buddy. His name is Nikko. He’ll be three on Groundhog’s Day which is very fitting cuz he likes to polish them off! Although I’m stopping him except for squirrels.
He has heterochromia. One blue eye and one Brown eye. He’s an awesome dog very friendly with people and loves other dogs.
That’s nice I like the cold weather. Very refreshing and invigorating. Sometimes I go to Lake Placid New York it’s even colder up there it could be 5 to 10 degrees colder up there than where I live.
Have a good weekend. I got to check out my European map I know Finland’s near Norway!
Winter is coming here in Germany as well. 0 °C and the first snow of the season here in northern Germany today. But just a week ago we had beautiful sunny weather.