I like first person shooters. But they have to run single player - lots and lots of missions - because I often have no internet for months at a time.
I like games such as:
Grand Theft Auto: All of them but have not played the latest 2 releases.
Max Payne: 1 & 2 (have not played #3)
Call of duty: Modern warfare 2 - But is flawed for this application since it has far too few single player levels.
Fallout: Played both and loved them. Ingenious if you ask me.
I was recently enamored by "Red Dead Redemption" on Xbox but that is not released for PC so its a no go.
I prefer to buy games and then finish them in order to support the development of new games. I don't really like the new idea of free games that you then have to buy upgrades for to be able to compete/complete because 1: You might end yo paying a LOT more than a seemingly expensive game. 2: You don't know where the development of the game is gonna take it. 3: They require that you are online often.
planetside 2 it’s free to play soon. Also keep eye out for Hawken.
BF3 is good but limited by devs sort of like a cockblock like they did to Diablo 3. Unless you have friends or a clan prepare to play against teams who actually use Voip programs. Also there’s still tons of exploits and hackers on non-Punkbuster servers. You own a license to play on THEIR servers. You have to rent to own a server. No mods, no custom maps like the old version. Limited to 4 man squads, no platoon or massive battle ground type plays. The 64 man maps are laggy or clippy unless u have a 5 Ghz or 6 cores. Expect to be spawn camped cod type game.
CoD is great except for the snowballing kill fest. 2012 and we haven’t seen anything realistic bullet damage like Action quake. On a lighter note a flash light game, I’d recommend Dead Nation on PS3. I also like & recommend Red Dead Redemption, which is a bit of Oblivion style RPG and open sand box game wild west style. GTA is great too, nothing like being a punk stealing cars and running away from a whole city of cops chasing after you.
I can never afford much of a system so I never get the newest and most expensive games anyway. I played the first one of these and liked it a lot. 3 Games for $20 is hard to beat.
I had prepurchased Guild Wars 2, having never played the first, but seeing it played a few times. It’s especially fun because I can do dungeons or quests with my brother and his friend Davey. It’s sorta like WOW, just look it up. My favorite game of these past years!