PC GAMES: What game should I buy?

First let me introduce you to me - The gamer:

I like first person shooters. But they have to run single player - lots and lots of missions - because I often have no internet for months at a time.

I like games such as:

Grand Theft Auto: All of them but have not played the latest 2 releases.

Max Payne: 1 & 2 (have not played #3)

Call of duty: Modern warfare 2 - But is flawed for this application since it has far too few single player levels.

Fallout: Played both and loved them. Ingenious if you ask me.

I was recently enamored by "Red Dead Redemption" on Xbox but that is not released for PC so its a no go.

I prefer to buy games and then finish them in order to support the development of new games. I don't really like the new idea of free games that you then have to buy upgrades for to be able to compete/complete because 1: You might end yo paying a LOT more than a seemingly expensive game. 2: You don't know where the development of the game is gonna take it. 3: They require that you are online often.

Any ideas are welcome :-)

ARMA2 ??

These are the games with the highest Metascores take your pick:

Half Life 2 + EP1 + Ep2 , COD4, Fallout 3 (Action RPG) , Crysis, Mass Effect 2 (Action RPG), Bioshock 1

Some of those games have demos which you can try before the real purchase.

Have you tried Halo series? I only played halo I. That was great.

OOTP baseball. Baseball management sim. I play it on my Ipod touch but it’s easier on the computer.

Fallout 3 is great. Caution, you’ll end up being a night owl and coming to work with no sleep. I don’t have time for games anymore :frowning:

Portals - a half life 2 mod that turned into a game in itself.

Short, but worth a good 10-20 hours in total, if you take your time for both 1 and 2. Its a combination FPS and puzzle game.

I loved it soo much I’m going to buy a plush toy.

My old favorites (im not into gaming now :frowning: )

Medal of Honor, Hitman 1,2,3,4 , Project IGI 1,2 , Crysis, Call of duty

Medal of Honor Allied assualt & Hitman 2 - Never played such games any day. these are my number 1

COD Modern warfare, Blackops etc. seems great ! never tried.

Im also like first person shooters

battlefield 3 - but the campaign is quite easy to finish
battlefiled 2 - bot matches
cs:go - just released but I haven’t played it much yet

I love BF3, but only really the multiplayer (internet) side is great, the single player is not bad, but not really what you should be buying BF3 for.

alan wake…best flashlight game ever!

planetside 2 it’s free to play soon. Also keep eye out for Hawken.

BF3 is good but limited by devs sort of like a cockblock like they did to Diablo 3. Unless you have friends or a clan prepare to play against teams who actually use Voip programs. Also there’s still tons of exploits and hackers on non-Punkbuster servers. You own a license to play on THEIR servers. You have to rent to own a server. No mods, no custom maps like the old version. Limited to 4 man squads, no platoon or massive battle ground type plays. The 64 man maps are laggy or clippy unless u have a 5 Ghz or 6 cores. Expect to be spawn camped cod type game.

CoD is great except for the snowballing kill fest. 2012 and we haven’t seen anything realistic bullet damage like Action quake. On a lighter note a flash light game, I’d recommend Dead Nation on PS3. I also like & recommend Red Dead Redemption, which is a bit of Oblivion style RPG and open sand box game wild west style. GTA is great too, nothing like being a punk stealing cars and running away from a whole city of cops chasing after you.

I can never afford much of a system so I never get the newest and most expensive games anyway. I played the first one of these and liked it a lot. 3 Games for $20 is hard to beat.

Ah, now I see, where your avatar comes from. ;-)


Yeah, the Orange Box is probably the highest gaming value out there for under 20€: HL2+EP1+EP2, Portal 1

I love the puzzles and humour in the portal games.

Deus ex human revolution has a great story and environment. There’s also the option to go covert or guns blazing.

Deus Ex. Loved the first one. Had forgotten about that game. Thanks for nudging my memory :-)

Far Cry - the only fps I ever liked.

My favorite FPS.

I had prepurchased Guild Wars 2, having never played the first, but seeing it played a few times. It’s especially fun because I can do dungeons or quests with my brother and his friend Davey. It’s sorta like WOW, just look it up. My favorite game of these past years!

Weekend deal on Crysis 1 + Crysis 2