Pi Day 2015 is tomorrow. This year is VERY special!

Pi = 3.14159265359 etc.

But this year being special, and we here in the U.S. use mostly the mm/dd/yy format, can write Pi like this:


That reads March 14th, 2015 at 9:26AM, 53.59 seconds.

Now if you can’t get out of bed early enough tomorrow morning and miss the AM chance, and you are using 12 hour format and not 24 hour, you have another chance this evening at just after 9:26PM.

Don’t miss this one!!!

Pi Is (still) Wrong :wink: Gotta look at this video she is just great!!!

I shall celebrate by eating pie?

That’s certainly how I celebrate. :bigsmile:

I plan to spend the day eating pie with a tiger in a life boat.

This Pi Day only works for those who use American date system :stuck_out_tongue:
Happy Pi Day, anyway.

As stated in the opening post…

exactly :slight_smile:

My wife is dragging us up to PA. for her Pi day 5k. Guess what time it starts? I hope they enjoy the rain, the kid and I are staying in the car!

The reason why today is a special Pi day is because in this year of 2015 we can extend the moment past the normal 3 significant digits, 3/14 to 3/14/15 and beyond. That only happens once per century.

As per post #2, For those of us that sleep through the entire day and miss that exact moment in time, there always is the perfect Tau day. (Tau = 2xPi)
June 28, 2031. Of course you will have to wait a little over 16 years.