For members who inserted the Tritium into a Carlo optic. Was it smooth sailing and did ya need to use some glue?
Just insert them unless you do not have a glass lens over the optic. My FW3A works great, went in easily.
Okay sounds good and glass lens on order too.
Personally I avoid using glue. Just in case I ever want to replace them…but that’s me.
Yeah you are right. I mean those things are tiny and they look fragile. I’ll probably have 2 tritiums if I try to take it out after it’s glued in. . I might just use low bonding glue though cuz if it drops out, I’ll spend hours looking for the darn thing.
Just depends on the light you are putting it in. I put a carclo with trits in my EDC18 and just added a lens that helped hold the optics in place and keeps the trits from falling out. If I ever want to replace the trits, I just need to remove the lens and they come right out.
Oh yeah I forgot I ordered the sapphire lens . Yes that’s true I’ll use lens to hold down the trits.
Or just turn off all the lights and look for the glow…
Oh yeah I love the glow. Makes the flashlight look like it’s alive or sommething. Kinda like something out of a Star Wars movie.