Plants (for different uses then looks or eating)

Oh I am very happy
Just ordered 4 small willow trees.
When about 2 high, cut and new branches will shoot out. One can make baskets, fences and such with them and they grow fast YAY!
It is a tree commonly found in the Netherlands but not in this region. Been looking for them and asking since we live here.

Another plant I decided to really use was our wisteria.
It is massive and old.
Pruning got me flowers from start season till end October this year.
But the first year I saw all the new shoots and I laid a whole bunch over the bridge. After a year of growth I used some bamboo as support and weaved the shoots over them and a few I guided under the bridge.
So bow we have a bridge with a railing/fence but not a fence I have to paint no no I have to prune it and it has flowers, this gills me with great joy!
Will try to find some pics if it.

Then we need a fence around the pool by law (or an alarm we have that but a fence is safer)
I hate those metal straight fences
So we have bought a bunch of rose plants
No kid is going to climb that thorny fence when done. The flowers are beautiful, smell nice, are cool to use in lemonade and liqueur. The fruit is a nice vitamin C bomb when it has been freezing a few nights. Its like triple win!

Oh and I carefully measured the growth of an elderberry tree near another bridge. When it was long e lugh I bended it so that it is at rge same level as the railing/fence and the top is just 30 cm upright at the other end.
Holding it in place with some bamboo it can still grow up yet make the railing stronger every year (not gonna paint that board since the tree is to replace it.

I hope to come up with more ideas like this and that others do stuff like this too, please share!

O, i see, it’s not about smoking… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well why not?
I am looking for plants to use in the smoker to calm down the bees that should occupy the now empty beehive :wink:

LOL. Very cool looks like your letting nature handle some of the work around the house. Trimming a bush is so much easier than painting and way cheaper.