First year here I treated the old grape plants as I read online
There were not a lot of grapes.
Then I started reading what they need and dumped ashes of oak at their base AND instead of trimming like I read I copied the local cognac makers (leaving the new shoots on the plants and cut them before spring when I saw the profs had cut theirs for example)
This year many kilos of excellent grapes!
First year here our old apple tree did not produce a lot, I cut it back only leaving branches we can reach (felling about 60-70% of it)
This year lots of apples, heck even the small ones we left are still nice and we used freshly picked today.
Our 7 old prune trees I cut as well after the season first year and they produce kilos and kilos of little sweet green prunes
We planted cherry apple and some other fruit trees. The first summer they were there we went to Holland and the people tending the house did not water them
A few died a few survived barely but were forced to get roots. This year I watered a little again to force them to root deeper.
I did remove the blossom so they would grow and root. Next year I hope lots of fruit.
The squirrels take all the hazelnuts from our old tree and after this extremely cold start and then extremely dry season the ancient walnut tree ia not giving very much and of poor quality. Last year was great so probably next year will be better. (I hope)
In a overflow river (only water in the winter) I found a figtree
I replanted it on our fruit island and it does not look happy but well as long as it survives it can make good root from now on. Where it was it would be covered in water so in the end it had a better chance where it is now.
And well lots to tell but this is so nice I finish with this for now
The plants of pumpkin and courgette are audible.
I have a few pumpkins growing near the dry river and it is a strange place with sun in the early morning and late afternoon
I know no fruits will come just to late.
But they make really big leaves
And wow how tasty they are.
I bake some mushrooms till they are golden brown, then some salt and pepper. Then finely cut stalks and leaves from pumpkin plant and the green leaves of a few garlic cloves (I planted to the green they make)
Bake it one minute and just splendid!
Please share your tips/experience on veggies, fruit and such here!