Nicest poem of this thread, very well-written.
One still wonders what the thread was about… :question:
You broke the rhyme! Boo hiss to you this time!
Less thinking more spamming please!
Kittens are cute but these are better
Deleted thread with nothing left,
A traditional target at BLF.
Some are curious of what was said,
As others post their wild thoughts instead.
Kittens in mittens in kitchens galore,
And Hogwarts are ’owling beside the door.
So unless you want a spamworthy mess,
Don’t delete threads here on BLF
When a thread around here gets deleted
To some marvelous memes we are treated
And though some are older
( There’s dust on the folder )
Some are good enough to be repeated
“Owl be back.”
— Owlnold Schwarzenegger
There was a young girl from BLF…
who had a CAT that was a hairy mess…
then she met 2 boys
who brought her kitty toys
and… (thats all i got, sorry)
Oil be back
If an American says ” Rise up lights ” it sounds like an Australian saying ” Razor blades ”
In a Jamaican accent, beer can and bacon sound exactly the same.
Also not possible to distinguish between herpes and hair piece.
Hear it for yourself at