I recently purchased a set of Morimotto X.DRL.5 lights for my car from The Retrofit Source (link). Product specs say the emitters are Cree (but not specifically which) and color temp in the 5500K range. I scoured the Cree website trying to ID the emitters used, but nothing there matches what is mounted in the DRLs. There was one or two no-named brand COB emitters from the overseas vendors (Banggood, DX Soul, etc) which looked similar, but nothing seemed to be identical. Attached are photos taken to show detail, and what it looks like when powered with only ~8V and 12V. There seems to be 3 small diodes that make up each single COB, and the output looks more like 6500K to my eyes. The diameter is 12mm including a metal ring which appears to be part of the emitter. Any help figuring out what these are would be appreciated!
A Chinese popo cob chip m8, only The Lord could identify it ( i hope ), even the producer cant, their usual practise is to imply whatever they have cheapest at the assembly moment
As long as you`ve opened them already i strongly suggest for you to mod them, 1304, or any other reliable DRL chip( even XPE2)would fit great in those
My thoughts as well. I would love to mod this unit with something decent, even XPGs would be a huge improvement. However, all components are potted from the back, and there would be no way of doing any mods with completely gutting the inside. I would love to get my hands on just the host, but don’t think that is really feasible.
Why even? All Eu brand cars , including BWM, WV and all french cars uses XPE2 as a base DRL emitter, i know cause the factory that makes them is supported by the company i work for .
Well it would be a pain definately, yet youll craft something decent
I like to go for the big guns! Maybe even XML2, or dare I say, XPH-50? The former are so cheap and can be sourced in a variety of tints, my favorite being a true 5000K.
I didn’t see any pix (multiple “do-not-enter” symbols instead), but “3 chips in a COB” sounds like a generic 5050 SMD LED.
Lookit this:
and imagine the “hole” filled in with yellowish phosphor or something.
Definitely not 5050, I have those and know what they look like. This one is 12mm in diameter so much larger and significantly higher output, albeit on the cooler side.

Definitely not 5050, I have those and know what they look like. This one is 12mm in diameter so much larger and significantly higher output, albeit on the cooler side.
Still no pix, but…
Go’n’goggle “cree cxa2011”, see if that’s it.
(Hey, I’m flying blind here…)
Sorry you can’t see the pix but that Cree emitter is definitely not it. I did review all Cree cob emitters and none looked the same which is why I’m suspicious it’s not a Cree.
No pics to begin with…

No pics to begin with…
Yeah, I extracted from the source, the pix ostensibly listed at lhs.googleusercontent.com or whatever, and I get the big empty pic with do-not-enter sign in the middle.
So I know it ain’t me.
Dewd (Hill), if you want more help trying to ID the emitter, you gotta post pix that actually, like, display.
You can host your images at postimage.org
You don’t need to set up an account if you don’t want to and it is really easy to use.
Fix images. Originally posted from google photos (and yes, they seemed to have been imported), but for whatever reason, they were not viewable by others. Hopefully this fixes the issue.
Those emitters look the same as the ones that are in a set of 6 “eagle eye” drl lamps I bought many years ago. They had an over inflated lumen claim of 350 lumen each, but at a guess are closer to 150. Best I could tell the emitters are generic junk and they didn’t have matching circuits, some had a simple driver and others had just a resistor. I have been planning on modifying them at some point when I can afford new emitters.
They look nearly identical to these
found these on DH gate… Doesn’t say cree anywhere.
Thanks for the reference. I checked out “eagle eye” on Amazon (link) and came up with about a dozen different vendors selling what looks like the identical thing, and yes, they appear to look almost the same as what I have installed in my DRL from Morimotto. I am disappointed that Morimotto cheaped out on these emitters, as a set of 6 cost about $8, and I paid $60 for the pair of DRLs. I few bucks more and they could have sourced some genuine Crees with much better tint. I guess most of the cost went into the housing, which is nicely machined aluminum (anodized black) and sealed very well. Again, it would be great to rip out the guts and replace with any number of cree emitters. I only used one of the pair in my application (accessory reverse light) which works nicely, so maybe I’ll get up the nerve to dissect apart the other unit.
From Amazon:
Installed as accessory reverse light on license plate:
FWIW… that last beam pic kind of looks like my XPG3 emitters in small OP reflectors… pale/cold er color center spot with yellow-ish side flood. Not sure what kind of LED these use… good luck though!!
Dissecting them should be pretty easy if they are similar to what I have.
If I have a chance I will try to get some pictures on the weekend, if you want?

FWIW… that last beam pic kind of looks like my XPG3 emitters in small OP reflectors… pale/cold er color center spot with yellow-ish side flood. Not sure what kind of LED these use… good luck though!!
They are definitely not XPG3, but thanks for the suggestion. My only real gripe about this unit is the cooler tint - warmer is far better for color retention at night, but for what it’s designed to do, I am satisfied with the outcome. Also important is that they maintain being weatherproof, particularly here in the northeast where cars are blasted with salt during the winter months. That stuff wreaks havoc to electrical components, something my homemade reverse light suffered from. It was a beauty, with a much smaller profile than the Morimotto light, and sported 6 5000K XPG2s (Mountain Electronics) that had a nice tint and I would say significantly better output (see pics below). It only lasted a few months before it died, and after pulling it apart, one of the XPG2’s was completely dead and I suspect the connections had been corroded by the salt. Luckily, the other 5 LEDs were fine, so I can re-purpose those. If I only had a friend that was a machinist who could have CNC’d a far better housing than my DIY hack job!

Dissecting them should be pretty easy if they are similar to what I have.
If I have a chance I will try to get some pictures on the weekend, if you want?
Yes! That would be awesome. Where did you say yours are from? I have attached a few more photos of mine, in particular the backside where the guts are potted. That stuff is hard as a rock, which is great for weatherproofing, but bad for modding.
I think this is your emitter… Those two circular “bond-wire” looking things in each COB die are pretty unique.
[EDIT] Heres another one…
Not sure which emitter your light uses. The second one, 35 Lumen is 3-3.3Vf… That could be a direct 1-1 emitter swap with just about any single die cree product. The first one is 6Vf… and likewise looks compatible with Cree 6V models. You would have to figure out polarity, drive current and test for thermal management though… which wouldn’t be to difficult given your DIY skills. I wonder if your 5x array is just 5 3Vf emitters in series direct driven? That would land you right around the 150 Lumens someone else reported above.
That black potting compound looks a lot like the stuff Gene malkoff used on his XRE M60 drop ins… eons ago. Although his was a firm-ish, rubber-y thermal compound.
I wouldn’t get too annoyed by how much you paid. There are many-many things in this hobby where the value of a product is worth more than the sum of its individual parts. This kind of looks like that type of product.