Police ever harass you?

small 35k? in 2010 we had 2,650. the lowest population of where i lived is listed as about 1100 people, im sure it was less when i lived there 15 years ago

Well, Milwaukee (Wisconsin) is about 15 minutes away. And they are 600,000 strong. I’ve never really been in small town. I think the smallest I have been in was Rippin, and they are 7k. Driving through that town took like 2 minutes. It’d be kinda cool living in a small town, where you know everyone!

Come to Canada, I live in Halifax which is not only the capital of Nova Scotia but the largest city east of Quebec. The municipality is only 390,096 and the urban area is around 297,000. I grew up in a town named Lunenburg which is 100km south of here which has 2300 people and is considered a small town.

The whole of Nova Scotia has only 900,000ish people, we’ve never been able to crack a million.

Other than a few speeding tickets I got back in my youth which I rightly deserved, I've never had any problems with the Police.

Maybe in Australia for you they’re there to protect. In many parts of the US many are out to simply get a paycheck and push little guys around. And the best way to get their paycheck is to write lots of tickets so they will harass you for any and all reasons possible.

Dogs think squirrel. Maybe (some) cops think gun lights?

I’ve had a fairly large % of traffic stops where the officer had his hand on his weapon as he approached the vehicle . . . here’s another.

Last week on a 2 lane (each direction, divided and fairly rural) section of freeway with the family I’m passing a semi and a police car is fast approaching from behind (seemingly from nowhere). I’ve comfortably passed the semi and pull over to let him pass and he drops in behind me, then turns his lights on.

When he gets to the passenger side of the window he explains he pulled me over for not signaling. I said:

“Yes, sir! I was getting out of your way since you came up so fast behind me and I was thinking about doing that fast.”

Sheriff’s officer left me with a verbal warning to use the signal in the future. Would have been a ticket if Highway Patrol.

he probably thought you were an alien with some sort of laser weapon :weary:
i have worked with cops and can say depends on the the particular cop .they are human and come in all sorts of pernonalities and attitudes in any country. the younger ones are trigger happy .the old school ones are more understanding. Some are plain stupit no matter how much training they get

Wow, I didn’t realise the US was a police state - are you guys really this scared of the cops?

Oh, yeah… going… going… will be gone soon with our psycho leadership. Wait’ll cops start firing on fellow Americans. If I was young, I’d be looking to leave the U.S. With this gun thing now, there’s gonna be another civil war. I grieve for the country we one had. (I’m 58)

Enough on that… I figure if I ever got checked by the coppers I’d just use it for a flashlight conversation. They carry junk, nothing I’d even use/mod. Never been bothered yet on night do walks-they know who I am anyway and probably just think I’m nuts, all lit up like a UFO so I don’t get whacked out by comatose Pa. drivers.


lol! I love it!

I’ve gotten traffic tickets for things I didn’t even do. Needless to say I see cops as out to bust you, not help you. I know they can’t all be that way, but jeez I’ve ran across some assholes.

Hey we might get stupid tickets, but at least our cops don’t rough us up and protect gangs…typically. It’s mainly just firstworld problems we have with the police.

You’ve clearly not been to Detroit recently. And Dearborn - West Baghdad…

I didn’t say stupid. I said things I didn’t do. I always wear my seat belt, yet I got a seat belt ticket while I was wearing it. I had it on since I left the house and still had it on as he handed me the ticket. When the girl in the passenger seat spoke up he asked her for her drivers license. He came back and handed her a ticket for the same thing. She was wearing her seat belt also. Then there’s the time when the f*’s took the money out of my 9 year old niece’s wallet. Or the time my sister had a fight with dad and was upset crying inside her car in Macdonald’s parking lot. They accused her of being on drugs, knee to the back on the ground while being hand cuffed, then ordered a canine unit to search the car. They found nothing because there was nothing to be found. |(

Often wondered about you, what ya doin saturday night :wink:

Well, I’ve seen some over-heated cops dealing w/ over-inenebriated fools, always a BAD situation. In my case I use my lights while walking my dog morning & night. The local police have slowed down on occasion and in every case they’re more interested in my lights than what I was doing since it’s pretty obvious I’m walking the dog. One fellow got out of his cruiser and looked over my SolarForce L2T. He really liked the light so I told him about some of the on-line sellers we all know. He was pleasent and mostly curious. Plus he likes dogs. He was quite impressed that my Springer Colby “stayed” until I released him. I’ve seen the patrol cars since and they just slow down and give me a wave.


Flomotion, I think you should never have hid from the policeman. Your property and flashlights are not illegal yet. I bet he aas just doing his job and investigating a report of someone skulking around with a light or just saw your light and was looking out for yours and the neighborhood's safety.

Because anything you say can and will be used against you. Rule #1. Never talk to the police.