You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
I guess Anduril flashlights are already smart enough. With auto lock I would expect to get many ‘the flashlight is broken’ claims.
It would be better if you could activate this feature in Advanced UI but by default it is not active.
As far as I have learned, Auto-Lock will always be deactivated by factory-default. Moreover, Auto-Lock can only be configured in Advanced UI but those settings would then be propagated/adopted into Simple UI.
I guess the target audience for Simple UI expect a simple UI. Autolocking will come as a bad surprise.
I voted NO. TBH, I don’t see the point of it in the first place. Not a function I would have use for…that and mode memory timers. This is the reason I feel Anduril 1 is superior. Less clutter and ancillary BS. YMMV.
Well, I rarely use all of the blinking modes and such of Anduril 1 but I use the battery-check quite often. Because of this I really like the idea of Anduril 2 with the simple mode, and with the 2C direct turbo access Sofirn thing. Looking at the diagram I figured the only thing I’d miss is auto-lockout, hence why I asked if this was/could be enabled, but it turns out I’m in the minority with this idea :innocent:
If I’m not mistaken, you can configure it in the Advanced UI.
I personally wouldn’t mind doing the reverse, but I was just speculating what a ‘normal’ user would think when his light locks itself. Probably his thoughts then involve some words I cannot write down here
I think the title of the poll is worded poorly and folks are misunderstanding what the intention is.
Currently, enabling auto lock in advanced UI will not affect simple UI…
The poll is for enabling auto lock settings to carry over to simple UI. You would still need to enable it from within advanced UI first. There is no way a “normal user” could inadvertently activate it from within simple UI.
I voted yes, I have carried an FW3A or FW1A since they first hit the market. I installed an auto-lock FW on all of mine very early on. Remember, it is off by default and you do not have to enable it! I chose to since I use my light 6 to 10 times per day and I have ended up with a smoking front pocket a couple of times. Four clicks becomes muscle memory very quickly. I you do not want it… do not turn it on.