PrairieFire AA light mod potential review

In my quest to find a good budget single-AA sized host, I ordered this $4.35 PrairieFire light from DX a few weeks ago, finally receiving it this week:

The light is a typical generic-emitter 1xAA-sized twistie. Cosmetically, this light is very nice, with compact size, good checkering on the head, and a nice body shape that lends itself to convenient use, all without any aggressive sharp edges.

Unfortunately, the positives end here. Externally, the machining is nice, but the threads are extremely loose and the head rocks easily from side to side until fully tightened against the body. There is a space for an O-ring at the threads, but one is not installed either here, or at the lens. This light wouldn’t be waterproof (or water resistant) unless you add your own o-rings.

Two things I noticed first:

1. Hmmmm… that looks like a plastic press fit pill: Yep, plastic pill with double-sided adhesive tape to help hold it in place(???). Plastic reflector, plastic pill, plastic lens. The head is also slightly too small to use the typical aluminum reflectors that I have used successfully in my TrustFire T20.

2. Rust in the body tube? There was a large amount of rust in the body tube:

Even though the spring is in perfect shape, and the body tube is made of aluminum, there is an accumulation of rust. Not sure of the source, but there were a few shards of a metal object (ferrous, as it’s attracted to a magnet) and some rust powder.

Beamshot is they typical ultra-budget we all know:

1. Small,

2. Dim,

3. Uncomfortably blue

(beamshot not included, use your imagination)

This light is not recommended. Unfortunately, this doesn’t appear to be a good option to use as a budget AA sized host. This option from FastTech is still a much more modable option:

Good info to help members make educated purchases. Those loose threads are a real deal killer in a twisty.

Thank you for this report.

Thanks keltex78. The led and driver assembly appear to be similar to the mini C8 versions which have been modified in a few threads here the problem with them in my book is there only AAA. Its ia a shame about the threads on this one.