That is a really nice set, I may order one of those myself. The sets I have do have a few more hex bits and even a few I had not seen before but that one looks like it has the 2 that I use the most. Well really the only 2 I use lol...
I would love to know where he got those, I have 20 guys at work that would place orders tomorrow lol....
Both lol, the security bits I need at my job. I have precision bits and drivers all around this house and my tool boxes at work. I need a really good one that is small enough to keep here in my guitar tool box (it will be used most for that) and quality enough to last.
for allen key type tools, I have had a Bondhaus set for like 25 years. Mine is the ball-end type. These things have endured literally 1000s of usesges over the decades. I was an avid RC car club racer too and these were ALWAYS in my pit box on race weekends. One set has endured ~15 different kit builds, with dozens of tear-downs and re-builds for each. Few of those were nitro kits where you really have to crank down on things to prevent them from falling apart from temperature / vibration extremes and 2 stroke engine oil splatter.
When you have the time I would very much like to know... Send it to me in a PM... LOL the wife is watching me and asking "Are you about to buy tools" LOL
enderman: those are all short bits if 'd buy set it would need longer bits. RC/ what’s the lengt of the bits of your set? It looks like something you can work with.