Problem with L2T & QLtie driver / dropin


I ordered a dropin from Intl-Outdoor for my L2T a while ago.

I don´t like it - Memory sets on 5sec ON time :frowning:

That´s not the problem though, it seems to have a LOW BATT warning on circuit.
It likes to trigger this warning at about 3.84V, which IMO is a bit too early and annoys the heck out of me… :frowning:

You could replace the low voltage thingy with an R100 resistor. I think it’s beside the LED + wire.

Is it being triggered in all modes at the same time or only high? If its only high it could be voltage sag in the battery. The voltage may be sagging to 3 volts when running on high but when the battery is pulled from the light and the voltage measured with no load you could get that reading of 3.84 volts.

That driver can't set memory on off time, by design it is impossible for it to do so. It sets after about 3 seconds ON time.

The low voltage is another issue all together, I've never seen one trigger that early but there could be something wrong with it. What battery are you running?

Sorry, that was a typo, I tried to say ON -time :slight_smile:

Battery is a Xtar 2600mAh, maybe a year old.
It can be the battery, have to try something other also (tried 2 Xtars now).

I have 2 modes, I use mainly the HIGH only. It gives the warning on HIGH only, if you click it OFF and ON again, it will shine some time before giving the warning again.

Sounds like the battery is sagging quite a bit, but you would have to measure what the driver is seeing under load to be able to tell for sure. If it only gives the warning on high it sounds like what you are seeing is a lot of battery sag.

I’m not sure if this is quite the same problem you’re facing, but the forward clicky on my L2T would have a varying resistance at different points in it’s action, and this would cause the driver to go into it’s low-voltage blink mode when depressing the switch. If I understand correctly, the Qlite will remain in it’s low-voltage blinky mode even if the source voltage goes above the low-voltage threshold, if that makes any sense :~. Try bypassing the switch by jumping the gap between the battery and light with the tailcap off to see if he switch is indeed to blame. It wouldn’t hurt to clean and tighten the tailcap assembly while you’re at it.

Scratch that, I didn’t read your above post correctly :Sp