Proper charging/discharging/storage question.

Hello everybody!!!

I’m very interested in the
aforementioned request.

1- Proper charging.
Have chargers ranging from 3.0V to 5.5V.
.25A to 2.4A.

2- Proper discharging.
How low can they go without
affecting longevity or performance.

Before and after the batteries
have been charged.
Best storage voltage in
both cases.

Thanks in advance for your input
and qualified replies.


1. as for charging, charge at 0.5C (0.7-1C if you’re in hurry & your cells are of high quality). C refers to battery capacity, e.g. for 2600mAh battery 0.5C is 2600*0.5 = 1300mA.

2. conventional Li-Ion can be discharged down to 3.0V (under load), some cells permit lower voltages - e.g. 2.75V for most 2800/3000mAh 4.3/4.35V cells, and 2.5V for Panasonic NCR-series cells

3. Li-Ions are best stored at 40-60% SoC. For most cells this means open-circuit voltage of 3.7V, although it might differ - e.g. for LG 4.35V cells it’s 3.8V, and for Panasonic NCR cells it’s closer to 3.6V.

Hi Shadowww,

Thank you Very Much for
your prompt and detailed

I truly appreciate it.


I agree w/ all Shadowww’s suggestions save the storage suggestion. I’ve had much better luck storing Li Ions charged up to 4.00-4.10VDC for long term [> 6 mo.] 3.7V is the lower end of the acceptable charge range and the few times I let cells rest for extended periods at that voltage some cells appeared to lose capacity. Since I don’t have a battery analyzer I’m relying on keeping track of run-times and cell voltage when I start charging. YMMV.