Proper technique for splicing wires ?

I'd like to know the proper method of splicing wires. I've done it before, but it was sloppy, and without the solder holding it together, it would fall apart.

I want to splice two 24AWG wires into one 20AWG wire.

Please, someone show me how to do a professional job.

I’ve always thought if it’s good enough to put a man on a moon, it’s good enough for a flashlight!

Use the NASA Standard.

Pretty. I haven’t been making splices like that. I will now. Thanks!

Thanks. Worked out great.

Threads like this is why BLF is my favorite forum. :bigsmile:

If the other end of the single wire is not attached to something yet, might as well slip a piece of shrink tubing over it and close up that joint for good!

It’s already done.

Nice link, I’m spending the night searching for that kind of documents

Excellent document!

I am saving this one! Thanks!