protection circuit wanted?

Looking for a generic protection circuit for low-voltage protection on an 18mm cell. And ideally one that cuts off around 3.0V or higher, not those that do it at 2.5V or something equally ridiculous.

Fasttech is gone, else I would’ve just hit 'em up and bought a few, but that’s not an option anymore.

Don’t even recall having many protected cells floating around, and would rather not sacrifice one and have a mangled wrapper just to transplant it onto another cell.

Any ideas for a source? Just need one, but if there’s a minimum, well, if ya gotta, ya gotta.

Li-ion wholesale “makes” some protected cells, they might be able to sell you one by itself. I’m not sure about the cutoff voltage though.

Hmm, that’s an idea, tnx.

My other idea would be to take a stoopit driver with FETs and use that. It doesn’t have to be connected to the cell, only in-between that and the load (small motor).

Plenty of room (more or less), too, so I can go unconventional if I have to.

Plenty of “1S BMS circuit” if you search AliExpress. I’d assume similar offerings on eBay.

I’ve mangled a few protected cells and still have the boards in a junk drawer. No guarantee if they’d still work, or if they ever even did. I can put one in an envelope and mail it to you.

You can probably get 10 of these things on AliExpress for $1 though they’re not fancy.

Ideally, I think if I’m going whole hog, I might as well try to find one of those with the built-in charger. Might just have to trust they cut off early enough to avoid damage.

Times like this, I miss Fasttech…