And most important: Does it signifigantly slow down the pc when the software itself is running???
Reason I ask is I have installed controller software for large industrial systems and even when they are not running they have such a big backlog of files and C++ directories that the whole pc is slowed down afterwards.
Eagle doesn’t slow a system down in my experience, but it might cause instantaneous CPU load in some cases (ratsnest on a board with lots of nets/traces, update libraries, autorouter, run certain scripts, etc)
If your PC is doing realtime industrial control, and latency in that system would cause bad things to happen, I’d find another PC to put it on.
Thank you. BTW it is on another pc(s) but I was initially surprised at how much those other systems were slowed down like crazy even when not running any of the controller/diagnostics/programmers.
But then I think I will have a go at installing it and having a looksee at what the rage is all about :-)