Qlite Problem: LED comes on...then just flashes.

I’m building a small triple. I added two chips to a Qlite, tested it during each step hooked to an XML and an 18650. Everything was perfect. After I installed in a light with a Noctigon 3 x XPG2, it came on for a number of seconds and then just started flashing on and off, and then would go out.

I pulled the driver, hooked it back up to a single XML and a battery, and it comes on, and then just starts flashing on very low.

What is going on here? I’ve actually had this problem before, all with Qlites when they first came out. I was fairly new at this and figured I somehow wrecked the driver, but this one was tested throughout the modding.
I actually stopped using Qlites because of this. This driver is also from the original batch.
Can someone help me?

That sounds like the low voltage warning/cutoff. I would guess either a broken driver or low voltage on the input side (battery).

I thought of that. Tested with fully charged 4.2v 18650.

Maybe a bad driver then :(

If you're sure that nothing is shorted where it shouldn't be, maybe it would be worth removing the 4701 resistor in the "R2" position which should disable the voltage reading portion of the driver.

I was thinking “low voltage”. Is that the one beside the red LED wire. I’ve had this same problem many times with those orig Qlites. Will it still function with that component removed?

I’m rebuilding another driver with one of my new RMM Qlites. Fingers crossed.

No, it is the resistor next to the position "R2", it sits next to the outside grounding surface across from both the positive and negative LED leads. Yes, the driver will function without it in place, you should just lose all low voltage warning/cutoff features.

It is the resistor that is at the farthest left and farthest bottom of this photo:

Crap. I took a new Qlite, added two chips, hooked it up to an LED and it came on, and then started blinking. What could I be doing wrong. I tested every solder connection on the 7135 legs for continuity and shorts.

That's frustrating! As Gibbs would say... "I don't believe in coincidence." OK, well it could be a coincidence but I would definitely look closely at what is going on if it is happening after you added the chips. If everything really specs out OK with the multimeter then I don't know what to say... pull out the solder wick, remove the chips, and test again?

Another Qlite. I just tested it. Works fine. Now I’m going to try one last time to add two chips

Good luck! I think that we can figure this out together. Let us know how it goes.

I added one chip and still gor 3A even though I checked every pin and made sure I had continuity and no cross shorting. My eyes are bad, and I’m over tired. I ended up just installing a pristine Qlite with no added chips. The light runs fine.
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Maybe I’m killing the chips with heat.

I’ve been stacking chips with no problems on the larger boards I’ve been working on lately. As soon as I started on the 17mm boards…nothing seems to go right.

Well, when I have time and patience, I’ll strip off the top and bottom chips I was working on to bare board and test them. If they run fine with six chips, I’ll start adding more. I’ve run out of 380 chips for now.