Question about eBay/Gearbest golf laser rangefinders and UF IR flashlights

I have been scouring the web for these products and was thinking, unless i wanted to lug extra bulk around just for the fun, if those laser rangefinders could also allow me to see 850-940nm IR lights i might as well go with this combination. Has anybody tried this before?

Also, those listings from China make sure to identify their Osram LEDs, but never seem to know which particular emitter the flashlights use, and i think for throw SFH4715s/4725s would be best. Has anybody who owns these flashlights determined which emitter is used, and also their respective useful range with the 38mm and 75mm heads respectively? Would be thankful for the helpful info, i just couldn’t find any despite searching high and low on the web!

I eould use the AS version which has a higher output
The genuie Osram china dropins and pills should do fine, you get a good amound of 850nm light in a tight hotspot

The Osram 3W should be somewhere near XPL HI for throw angle of the hotspot, but how well the light is depends on the amplification of night googles

Thanks for the reply. Some of the sellers state that even with the 940nm a faint red glow from the LED can be seen, do you have any experience with these 940nm’s? If they aren’t stealthier than the 850nm’s in this respect i’d decide on the 850nm version.

If you want to eliminate the red glow just buy an infrared filter blocking all below 825nm, you still get >95% of the LEDs output

Even with a >840nm Filter should be at 70% output

Thanks for the advice. Do you know if i can use those eBay china golf laser rangefinders to see the IR light put out by these flashlights though?