Question about Lii-600 Charger. Test Mode

Hey guys, just got my new Lii-600 couple days ago and decided to test on some old fake batteries I had laying around and it shows two different capacity numbers.

A discharge capacity and a charge capacity.

So, which one is the real battery capacity?

My old trusty Lii-500 only showed one number. I really love that one but with the 21700 battery flooding my collection, felt like I needed something that would properly fit those.

Discharge since you discharge batteries while using.
Charge capacity is just theoretical calculation of how much power was pushed in there.

Makes sense! Thank you

Discharge capacity.
Liitokala is not very precise with count of battery internal resistance but that value of 116 mohms is sign that that cell is very bad.
432 mah capacity for 18650 is other sign of bad battery.
I have liitokala 600 and after lot of testing in every mode with all set of currents I conclude that capacitu measuring is better on slot 1 and 4 than on slots 2 and 3 where it show 4-5% lower values.
But this is amateur device and that values are aceptable.
It is more important that it is good in charging mode and it is safe for batteries.

1 Thank

Yeah I know… those blue batteries are out of a 12 year old laptop lol… and that yellow one is probably my first ever 18650 from maybe 15 years ago that I bought from the local Chinese store.

I don’t use them anymore because they are completely useless, but still keep them for memories sake.

Then again I don’t throw anything away haha

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