Just a quick question guys, I have just modified a flashlight I have. It had a Xpe I think it was, it was sold as having 220 lumens or so with an 18650 supplied. I have added a Qlite 8*7135 driver from a reputable source along with a XML2 U2 3C on a noctigon.
A few things are confusing me. It does not get warm or hot at all, the light output is on par with my solarforce M9 on only a single cell which iirc is approx 600 lumens and 1000+ on 2 cells.
Tailcap amps on stock leads are approx 1.05A, and the voltage at the Led on full power is 3.03v.
The light has a built in charger which I have never used. Could this be providing enough resistance to severely drop the output along with the cheap switch?
I’m trying to figure out just where to start looking to narrow it down. The switch and charging assembly is at the positive end of the battery.
Thanks for any suggestions guys.
I just measured directly off a battery and the pill is pulling 1.49A at 3.6volts which is much closer to the spec right?
3 amps is normal for a 8 chip driver—something is bogging it down—what kind of battery are you using—most host with stock springs etc will pull 3 amps— pictures always help
If that laptop pull is one of those semi transparent green sony it wont pull more than 2+ amps direct—- first off I would think you need to be sure your battery will push 3+ amps—what kind of Multimeter do you have that makes a difference also— if you had at least another LED on a copper star you could jump direct and see what you have
The “module” is pulling half an amp more if I hook it up direct to the battery through the multimeter, ie, spring to the positive of the battery.
The batteries are ok, as they provide enough for the Solarforce. The laptop pulls are IG181A1S3 or LGCS318650.
I did have to widen that area a little bit. The good thing about this is that the copper piece cools both the led and the 7135 chips. Well it would if it was running full power. I can feel no heat at all on the dropin. Going to go test outdoors, see what its like as it is now