I have 12 of them and they get the job done for me :-) . I love how they stick the word lithium on there to try to cash in on the marketing buzz word. I would be interested to see what the voltage was at after sitting for ~2 years!
They are NiMH. Putting "lithium" on there was a mistake and probably why these got pulled so quickly. I bought 8 of them, but wound up selling them to my brother who was going to put together a battery pack. I think they were pretty decent LSD NiMH batteries, though probably not up to Eneloop standards. But at a third of the price, who cares?
Im going to charge them up in another charger and discharge again as time permits [ other charger may charge them higher - will see ] But they look to be well matched .
My guess is they are NOT durabrids.//rayovac hybrids the ones they rebadge for duracell..Because they aren't made in JApan
Are they black tops?
Made in china ? mmm not good ..
I really think there are less battery manufacturers out their so a total of less real different types of batteries ....but .. lots of label switching/ rebadging going on .
I think Eneloops are probably the best (along with Duraloops), but *any* LSD battery is going to hold a charge better than a regular NiMH, so they should be an improvement. 2000mAh is pretty good capacity. I have some Sony 1000mAh LSD AA batteries, and I almost don't see the point. Even if the Rayovacs only hold 60% of their charge after a year (which is probably low; I think some tests have shown them to be more like 70-80%), they will still have more charge than a 1000mAh cell fully charged. And that's still useful.
I would have to disagree with that. They are true 2000mah LSD's, and they sold for ~1.25 each. Kind of a moot point since they are not sold at retailers anymore.
yea I have to agree with you as a whole, im just saying for the money they are decent. I just use them in my remotes and home electronics, no mission critical use for me
What I do that is mission critical is in my head. That's what they pay me for. Come to other stuff, I've been a severe gearhead, but gear will never replace what's in your head when it comes down to it.
90% of the performance for 50% of the price wins every time.