RBG CULPM1's are out

Sorry if you’ve heard this already, I had no idea these were out. Looks awesome. Oslon Boost versions of the w1/w2 red blue and green. Sweet. Finally a chance to use my 4040 mcpcb’s and centering rings.

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Thanks for the news.

I wonder if green vs white will be as good as in case of PM1

Oddly it looks like phosphor converted w2 green, the kp cslpm1.f1, won’t be getting the 4040 upgrade. Only the monochromatic green will be. That’s too bad because a culpm1.f1 wouldve been awesome. Maybe that’s coming later. But maybe this will make the monochromatic green actually worthwhile. It’s not very bright currently.

But they do have the cslmma.f1, which is a phosphor converted green. Now this could be interesting. Maybe.

It looks like a cslnm1.f1 on the Osram website. Literally Osram uses the same picture for both of them. But on the datasheet you can see the difference is the LES is off center. But it’s also smaller. Smaller than the w1. But from the datasheet it looks like at the same output it’s brighter than the w1. If you can figure out the off center LES this could make for some really efficient and really throwy lights.

I think Osram as a company is going through some massive restructuring right now trying to stay profitable. Could make for some really interesting emitters in the near future. Or they go bankrupt. But hopefully it’s the first one.

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