Hey mate, it is part of the hobby, we manage to get some time, even if it takes longer than if we had free time!
I like to review flashlights, bought on my own or offered by manufacturers. I like to take photos of the flashlight (inside and outside, indoor and outdoor), make some comparison with other lights (sizes, beam, tints) and it takes quite a while.
When I get a light, I try to take the photos in the same day (specially the looks, its composition, the beam and the output levels indoor) (45 minutes, sometimes more, depending on the flashlight).
Then on weekends, when I go to my village, I take some outdoor photos, comparing beams, distances with other lights. (30-40 minutes, depending on the type of flashlight, the number of levels, the lights I think it is worth to compare with it)
But this isn’t the part that takes longer. The download from the Drive, the choice of the photos to show in the review, the part of making animated GIFs (to show the outputs), the upload into Imgur, then the copy of all the photo links into a Word doc (arranged by parts), the writing itself, and then the verification if everything matches correctly (size of images, bold/underlined/italic word, …) , that may take me more than 6 hours. Yesterday I spent hours writing a review of a Klarus light, just to get the User Interface thoroughly explained/described. I went to bed after 4 a.m . and I got up early, at 7 a.m. … 
Overall, a review normally takes me more than 8 hours to be done (I am not a native english speaker, so words don’t come out naturally…).
When do I have the time for it? In the after hours, going to bed late some days a week.
And sometimes it is quite…“ungrateful”, as there are no comments just to say “what a sh!tY review you have there!!”
But…this is the hobby, and we do it cause we like it!