Realised the communities are a bit closer than I realised.

Look up the history of aspartame.

I found this forum when looking for something to use my spare vaping batteries with. Before that I didn’t even know that 14500’s or 18650 batteries were used in flashlights. Now I’m a moderator on both a flashlight site and a vaping site, along with other members from this site. So the overlap is pretty big actually. Safety of course is a big issue for both but possibly even more important for vaping, considering that you use them while they are in your mouth. With the advent of sub ohm vaping it’s become way more important too. I’m really surprised that more knuckleheads haven’t blown up their e-cig mods.

I don’t think the addiction studies on nicotine alone are terribly complete. But from what I have read it’s not nearly as addictive as cigs by themselves. If it were anyone who switched to a smokeless delivery system from cigs would be successful. But it doesn’t work that way at all. The patch and gum in particular are a poor way of quitting cigs. E-cigs work better than either of them but I suspect it’s simply because they also mimic the act of smoking and not because of the nicotine. As a nicotine delivery system they don’t work particularly well. You get way more nicotine from the gum or patches than you do with the very highest concentrations of vaping liquid. However, even though e-cigs don’t give you as much nicotine they do in fact have a much higher success rate than either the patches or the gum.

E-cigs by themselves have not shown to be addictive but I don’t know if that is because they simply don’t deliver enough nicotine or because nicotine is not that addictive. although it’s impossible to know the long term effects of vaping it is a known fact that it’s safer that cigs. That much at least has been proven.

Still the best way to avoid any addiction is to simply not start in the first place. Same could be said for flashlights, so watch out!!

Yup…gotta have something to put those not good enough for vaping batteries in….then started building VERY high power flashlights… :slight_smile:

Yes, vaping and custom flashlights are quite related. I do both, too. Since this thread is now about medical issues, I can't help myself. Sorry.

Pure nicotine is addictive. Nicotine addiction is just one component in a cigarette habit, but it's there. I'm addicted to nicotine after years of not smoking cigarettes except a few random times. I take other preparations every day and pretty much every waking hour. Quitting smoking was hard, but I could do it. Quitting nicotine... haven't managed yet. Oddly, some heavy smokers seem to be not be actual nicotine addicts.

No, nicotine is not similar to niacin.

Yes, nicotine has beneficial effects on health. These include protection against some diseases that involve cognitive impairment. Most recreational drugs have significant health effects, both beneficial and detrimental. Oh, we could drop the "recreational" part here. The same goes with pretty much any medication.

And yes, nicotine products other than cigarettes are addictive, including pharmaceutical products, vaporizer fluid and tobacco products other than cigarettes. Very traditional and organic cigars are addictive. Oral tobacco products are addictive, even the traditional ones that are much older than the modern predatory tobacco industry.

I don't think that's very important. Long term use of NSAIDs is quite fatal through other means, and should be avoided whenever possible and at least moderated when necessary.

At least there is correlation in AS sufferers having less permanent damage to spine when they have a history of NSAID (ab)use. This is a result of the natural repairing(or damaging) process slowing down.

Acetaminophen is quite liver-friendly when used well below the typical and horrifying "safe" limits. Most analgetic drugs are effective on some patients and on some types of pain. Neither of the two you mention are very reasonable choices for most chronic pain.

You should remember that ibuprofen is not actually safer to your digestive tract than other NSAIDs such as Naproxen Na. It kind of is, in the same sense that "light" cigarettes are safer than "full flavour". It's like shooting at one's foot because it's kind of harmless compared to shooting through a knee. New generation coxibs might be even less dangerous to your stomach and more effective depending on the condition, but it's early to say they're safer overall. Could be the opposite.

NSAIDs (including ibuprofen and mostly just that) are also by themselves a leading cause of kidney disease and need for dialysis treatment. They can also rarely trigger serious skin conditions and strokes, to name just a few. Not trying to scare anyone or rally a cause against these drugs. I consume quite a bit of them, unfortunately. Just saying they're not candy.

Well though out post. It says to me that there are a lot of factors involved in everything, and one must be open to all of them before making decisions.


Nicotine itself, definitely a contributing factor the addictiveness but I was surprised when using tobacco free vapes WITH nicotine, still left me felling like I was still missing something. The additional tobacco ingredients or additives they put in make up a large portion of the addictiveness.