Received the first of 2 Unique UF-T20s to mod today. This waiting for parts to arrive is killin me!!. I also would like to thank some of the members (Tom E, Kevin43, Old Lumens and gmarsh) for there patients with all the questions. It can be very confusing trying to weed thru all the posts and figure out what you want to do. I have actually just mod a 2D maglite with a drop in cree XP-G2 that says its a 220 Lumens and a switch mod that old lumens has on you tube to make the positive direct and the ground break. I also made a battery holder for 2 – 18650s to replace the 2Ds. If this is like any of my other hobbies I will need another room just for lights.
Congratulations! You’re well on your way to enjoying the hobby. Modding is where it all starts to become interesting.
Sounds like your well on the way to a lack of real life. Room can be a real problem. The more items you get the more tools you will also need. I would seriously start thinking about getting a smaller house with a big garage. I did, the wife and kids aren’t happy but I am. A couple of members you mentioned as well as a few others here have a lot to answer for.
What mods are you going to do if I may ask? I’m ordering a UF-T20 myself.
Hey Mike C,
My first attempt is to change the led to an XP-G2-3C or XP-G2-R4 and use a copper sink pad, replace the drive with a couple 7135s added and aslo add some copper to the pill and see what blows up!
My second attempt is to make an IR in 940nm with an Oslen SFH4725S led with the same set up as first attempt. I am also copyin Rolaidsbench 1.x Update for DIY Night Vision from you tube.
Sounds fun I hope you post some updates on your progress.
I’ll start by replacing the driver only. Light output is not my concern with this light, it’s the heat. It’s going to be on for full battery cycles at a time. If it gets too hot at 2.8A I’ll be removing chips.
they say the pill is also brass like the convoy flashlights.
i hope mine coming +–10 days waiting i going with 3.05 A &noctigon xpg2 r5 led dedome
What effect has dedomeing on flood?
I have run this light for 10 minutes at 3A with a freshly charged cell, the body got hot, but the output hardly dropped at all. That tells me that the light can handle full battery cycles.
Ive built and sold at least 50 of these with 3A drivers & dedomed XP-G2 on copper. None have come back with a failed emitter yet.
an hour ago I walked for half an hour with a H802 with ninjg 2.8 A with xpg2 r5.
This even was not anywhere warm a bit.
I had the impression that it could handle a lot more.
I just got it dedome and now the trow more closed but I see no more light than before.
the color changes from cold white to warm white.
Dedomeing enhances throw at the expense of flood? I’m a noob I know
Finally took it apart and It does have a brass pill. I played with it for a while longer then decided to Dedome it and now she don’t work. I checked everything and there is power right up to the led but no light. What the hell did I DO?
Hey penumbra, My pill is brass
tommorrow i think i have the T20 (wallbuys)
dx have the T20 now i see couple days.
OK….What did I do? I Dedomed my Uniquefire UF-T20 and now I have nothing. I checked the volts at the Leads to the star and it reads 3.9v. Could I have blown the led? If so how?
WIRES? What wires? I have none now. I bet thats my problem.
Live and Learn!
Be very careful! at the slightest touch the broken wires to your LED
i have already broken a dozen :money_mouth_face: H)
Today it came t20 and I find it a very nicely finished flashlight.
and brass pill.
it was a very bright xml, but though zooming out with the ugly wire / square.
I got it replaced with a 3.04A driver put on low-high-strobe with dedome xpg2 r5
formerly gave a nice white color LED dedome but I find it very brown.
I’m happy with the 3A driver much force that the hotspot cold color back sooner.
I would have loved to have had them even further uitzoomde but I’m going to try another pill to make the emitter is a 5-10 mm deeper.
’s see if this works
currently I have a problem with the driver or the wiring somewhere.
sometimes I have low-high-strobe and other times he does only for a time on high / on-off even with tweezers at the tailcap
if anyone knows I like to hear it.
penumbra, Sounds like your on your way. I am still waiting for parts!!!