Recent purchases, and my excuses ;-)


The White TS10 on the left uses 14500 LiIon, it has a tailswitch that I find easy to use, and a floody beam. it sits on my desk.

The Green SC21 Pro has an illuminated button and a tailmagnet, it sits on top of my fridge in case there is a power outage. Or, because it has built in USB-C charging for 16340. I can pair it w my 16340 HDS when I travel.

The Orange H150 is dual fuel AA/14500 with built in USB charging for LiIon. It has an efficient regulated driver w no PWM. It is in my car emergency kit, with its headband and spare Lithium Primaries and Eneloop…

The White D2 runs on 14500, and has a white and a red LED. It also fits the headband of the H150, and the F12 flat top I use in the D2, can be charged in the H150. It has an efficient regulated driver w no PWM. It is in my pocket

4 Thanks

All very nice. The one on the fridge makes total sense.

Thank you… I just wish I had kept a Red one… much easier to see than a green host… but Red is sold out.

Re: Emisar D2
I could be wrong but I’m fairly sure the D2 does not have a buck driver.

Well, technically linears are still regulated ;), the only truly unregulated driver in common use is a FET-only driver. Linears are just not consistently regulated to a flat output until the battery is almost empty. But yeah, the D2 has a linear driver.

true, it is linear
almost 3.5 hours at 80 lumens is efficient, to me
(am I misusing the word efficient?)

the H150 has similar runtime, but no Anduril

and unlike the other two Anduril lights pictured, the D2 has flat output regulation, and NoPWM

I only refer to switch-mode converters (boost or buck) as efficient, and linear converters as inefficient since they burn excess voltage as heat.

2 Thanks

I also have a green fridge-top torch, SP10 Pro with diffuser. So I can put it on sunset mode and exit my kitchen with both hands firmly holding a tray of food, rather than one grabbing for a light switch!

1 Thank

Gave my gf, and got one myself, a Cometa for emergency lights-go-out purposes.

I call mine The Big Blue Lighthouse because of the rather brightly lit tailswitch.

Yeh, lit switches is a Good Thing for occasions such as that. :bulb: