At first I thought about just giving out cr123 lights but that can get expensive if they have to buy them from a store.
So im looking for lights that have battery already in them and use a usb to charge, I would like them to be 18650 and if need be I can toss some
Thanks in advance
Edit, im looking at getting klarus rs16 or rs11, 16 would work very well.
Anything with rechargeable li-ion is not a give to granny light. These lights require at least the minimum of care to prevent possible vent with flames scenarios.
So probably the best would be a Sunwayman R20A 2xAA with a set of Eneloops and budget AA charger you can get portable ones powerable by USB if that’s important. Very good build quality 180 lumens ought to be plenty bright enough.
My comment about granny was more of a “I dont want a no name plug it into your wall straight cord” kind of option. I know my brother and father in law dont want to watch charger like I do theyd rather be able to charge at a computer for a couple of hours then use.
On a side note I was looking at inova lights, a little too expensive but pretty cool.
I really like the klarus but t think I like it more for me. I already gave them sipik68 clones and now they want something more powerful so using li ion is the only way. They are not children nor incompetent and listen to direction, they just wont have the patience to watch their chargers, and if there is a light that meets my criteria then they wont need one. Klarus fitsthe bill I think but its too nice to be giving away.
Didnt know they exist for use in flashlights, 18650 16340 etc. They were receptive just not excited like I was, I check voltages explained a lot etc kind of too much info maybe