Reflowing Question

I recently removed 4 xt-e’s from a quad pcb and all of the negative pads are bridged to the center pad on the pcb. I am planning on reflowing XP-G2’s to the board and was wondering if it was ok to keep these pads bridged together or if i need to try and remove the bridge.

It depends on if you want it series or parallel. Is the pcb one of the ones that can be either series or parallel? You would change it to however you want.

If the original emitters all had their negative leads shorted together, it sounds like they were configured to be parallel.

If you want to keep the 4up configured for parallel, then follow the original.

Its the quad xt-e board from illumination supply. I am going to try running it parallel and see how it does with a couple different drivers. Have any of you guys used this board before? If so how did you set it up?