Remembering when EDC was ARC

In 2003 I became interested in flashlights (and found CPF), more from the standpoint of hunting and camping. I never became a full fledged flashaholic, although I bought a fair number out of curiosity.
At that time the rave for an EDC was an ARC AAA light. I don’t remember what it cost, but I am thinking around $24. I never thought that they were that great, and contrary to conventional wisdom I did have a couple fail. They were replaced at no cost, and a few years ago I had another fail. They charged me $7 postage, and I paid the postage to them.
By the time I had replaced it I could have bought a better light, in my estimation, and I still had a light that only put out 5 lumens, I think.

I had bought several to give away, and still have a couple left. I use one to determine when a light I am testing becomes unusable from my standpoint.

I lost interest for a few years and when I returned I was almost amazed at the improvements in LED lights. One can buy better light at much less cost than the 2003-2005 time frame.

I also found BLF and it is a much more relaxed and friendly forum, although I never had a problem with or from the CPF staff. That was when Greta was Shasha.

I have never warmed up to 18650 lights, but prefer for my use AAA, AA and CR 123 lights as more useful to me. But to each his own. Just reminiscing.
