removing white writing on a C8 flashlight

Hi,is there any way to remove the white writing on both sides of my C8 flashlight without destroying the
black anodizing,or is there any way to paint over the writing with something durable as i want to put my own logos and writing on.cheers terry

There's bare aluminum under the lettering, not more nice black anodizing.

Perhaps black polyurethane paint or lacquer.

I got mine off with tea tree toothpaste and a toothbrush , it took an hour

CNQG sell a C8 host that appears to not have any lettering on it.

If it’s engraved you’ll need to file or sand it down. To remove the anodizing read this

I have removed anodizing from bicycle parts to polish the aluminum to a mirror finish following the same instructions

Also with no lettering, but half the price: