The quiescent current of my JETBeam RRT01 was over 300mA with the rotary off and the tailswitch on. This kills the 18350 battery within a day.
When I tried to use the RRT01 as a bedside lamp with a moonlight beam bouncing off the ceiling, I would find that the torch had turned itself off halfway through the night. A ZebraLight SC64c LE could last a year in a sub lumen mode…
I sent an email to JETBeam to ask for a new driver and I shared a video to demonstrate the problem. JETBeam kindly sent a replacement driver.
Here is a video where I swapped the driver:
Here’s a tutorial for swapping a Nichia 519 into an RRar01:
I clicked the tail switch on, turned the rotary switch off, removed the tube, put the head face down, balanced an 18350 face down on the head, and measured the current by connecting a probe to the side if the head (threads) and the back of the battery.
It measured 300mA+ on the faulty driver and 30uA on the replacement.
You need only the rotary in close position for measure current. If you remove the tube is not important if the switch is on or off because you do the switch contacts with multimeter probes