I have supplied dozens of Miller ML-102s with Flashlights but with overcharging likely with the new version I had to find something else. I found the Xtar MC-1 for sale on Ebay for US$5.98
What about the Xtar XP1? HKJ’s review suggests it is pretty good. On clearance from Torch Direct in the UK for £3.95, though shipping probably kills it if you only want one, or are outside the UK.
I added a resistor to one to decrease the charging amperage for my 14500 cells. It fits nicely in an Altoids container:
The other two are used for 18650 cells.
The boards are plentiful on ebay for about $2.50 or even less, the two wire voltmeters are a similar price and the battery holders are less than $1. A bit of epoxy and some non conductive two sided tape and some wire and you have a nice little charger. It does take a small bit of soldering but it isn’t difficult.
I did mount the boards on a small piece of aluminium as a heat sink but this isn’t really necessary.
The last time I looked you can get the boards from Mountain electronics.
As I recall they were well reviewed by HKJ (but are not reverse polarity protected).
I can tell you the MC1 can and will hold 18650 perfectly (it might even hold a 26650 just fine [there are no sides to get in the way])….just be VERY careful with the micro USB port
They work great…I love the slider ability, I broke mine and soldered on one of those TP4056 boards (I put on a 2.2k resistor and get approx 500~mA delivery) it works very well
Look for vaping shops, they sell them for under $6 or so
HKJ do you prefer the LDO TP4056 charging pattern to the micro controlled buck type charging? (especially since it seems it doesn’t fully turn off charging)
Both TP4056 and a buck circuit can charge correctly.
With 5 volt input the TP4056 is a cheap and usual well working solution. The buck circuit will always be more complicated, but has better efficiency at higher voltages and is not limited to 1A charge current.
I had an order for one of these and its been in "restocking" for ages, but now I'm eyeing the Efest XSmart charger.
Here is what FT said.
During packaging, we discovered that the item SKU 1137904(1 pcs) we were about to ship you is lacked because that we had mistaken the stock. Please note that the status of shipment #2 in your order is displayed as packaging in the system, but actually it is not available now. It might not be restocked soon
Could this one be a worthy replacement for the Miller? I just found it @Banggood:
“Klarus CH1 Li-ion NI-MH Battery Function Indicator Power Bank Charger”
But the miller ml102 version 8.0 has not been throughly tested yet. Miller has proven they don’t even bother to do basic safety testing before shipping out a new version.