I have bought 6 of these and gifted a couple. I think I will get a few more.
How do you all feel about the magnet VS glow-dot choice? Is one generally more popular than the other?
I don't like magnets on anything that comes into the magnetic near field of my wallet. The magnet seems to be sturdier, though.
It's really about what you need/want.
I prefer magnets, but IIRC it was quite fifty-fifty between magnets and GITD tails in the DQG Tiny II group buy last year.
FWIW, I haven't had any problems with magnets vs. keys and I don't have credit cards in the same pocket than keys either.
My only experience is with the AA version. I am a big fan of the magnet now that there is a glow thingy in the head. I keep mine next to my cell phone but not wallet and I haven't had any problems. It's not that strong unless it's really close anyway, and I keep mine clipped up high in the pocket edge while the phone is down low. It's nice to have the option to stick it to something in case you need to.
I'll be in on some AAA ones once there's a group buy I think.
Thank you for the thorough review!
I really like the output level spacing. At $30 though, what advantages/features does this light have over the Thrunite Ti AAA light which only costs $16? I was ready to buy a few of the Thrunites because of the love the price and they also have the output levels well spaced out and I like the UI with twist on for low, twist a bit more for high (and appreciate the head is completely tight in off mode).
So any reasons to spend almost double for the DQ besides size?
I've got (well, had) both. My Ti stopped functioning properly after a week, the metal tab which enables mode changes got too compressed and ceased to go into firefly mode (although I got mine from the first batch sent out, not sure if they've made improvements since then). The DQG, in the 3 months that I had it, worked flawlessly every time I tried to use it, until I lost the head a few weeks ago.
I'm leary of a carrying a magnet with me everywhere because I'm concerned with magnetizing something that shouldn't be. I've had a small magnet mess up the timing of one of my automatic watches before...I was able to take the watch to my watch guy to have it fixed (demagnetized), but I prefer to keep my magnets at home and away from everything
I can't tell about Thrunite but I have 2 DQG II AAA and 1 DQG I SS. I would say they are excellent key chain light but building quality is poor. Not sure if they are worth the price. Hope DQG III made better.
I think I'll have to buy one. I really like my recently acquired Brynite PD03B but I'm beginning to think that it won't survive for very long on my keychain; seems a torch has to be enormously robust to withstand that degree of abuse. This little DQG is perhaps the first light I've seen that actually looks as though it was designed for life on a keychain, rather than just being small enough to use that way if you don't mind a shortened working life.
So far revolver's is the only worrying post:
"The DQG, in the 3 months that I had it, worked flawlessly every time I tried to use it, until I lost the head a few weeks ago".
Did it just come unscrewed when you weren't looking? Sounds horribly like my Maglite Solitaire of a few years back.. :\
It was user error, I had the DQG head riding on a 4sevens P0 body, and the threading is looser on the P0. My original DQG body only had one o-ring and that thing got chewed up after the first opening, so I was using the P0 body instead of my ugly plumber's tape quick-fix for the DQG body.
Is it possible to replace the lens to get a flood rather than spot?
It uses a TIR, so no.
You can easily add some diffusion film, if needed.
I'm in at that price.
IMO DQG has quite large spot and wide usable spill.
I will second, that using diffuser would be your best bet.
Also R4 (NW), for $30. And I think it starts tomorrow 4/15.
Edit: And it looks like you need to register to participate in these group buys.
Just registered with them & ordered R4 version for $32 - I think. Well, I certainly paid for one - got the Paypal confirmation email, but nothing from Fancy Flashlights. Not really sure how this group buy works.
Thanks Kreisler. As clear as an unmuddied lake. As clear as an azure sky.
So basically by going in now, I get the $32 price, but if I'd waited, I may have got it for $30 (R4 version). OTOH, I may have missed it altogether, as it seems only 30 units are available. Ah well, it's done, I'm happy enough. Well, I will be when it arrives, and if customs don't strike.
So the group buy saves 5$ at most?
I'm in for the NW so I'll probably get a tracking number anyway.