Ok, so I know the LD15 has been out for a few years but it’s new to me. For this review I also did one my Youtube videos. In the video I’ve included: An evil Christmas cat, a washing machine abuse test, one liners, cheesy music, night time video beam shots, mode demonstrations, and more.
Also if you want to see high res versions of any of these photos please check out my Flickr set.
I purchased it during an instant kill sale from Wallbuys. I paid about $10 for the light, which is an excellent price. I’ve been carrying this light a lot lately because it’s small and mostly it fits snugly in my Leatherman Wave sheath.
It isn’t a whole lot bigger than a AA battery, and smaller than a sipik sk68 and a Spark SG5- both are AA powered lights. The main difference though is that you can’t use a 14500 battery in the light. The eneloops and duraloops I use both work great. It tailstands without issue.
The light is a two piece design with 2 modes both operated by a twist. The head has a nice brass pill, an o-ring that keeps water out, and a coated high-impact glass lens. Having run it through a cycle in my washing machine, the o-ring does keep out water and the lens area also kept out water.
Behind the lens in a Cree XP-E R4 emitter, that outputs a cool white. I found it only a touch bluer than daylight.
The knurling on the light isn’t aggressive or smooth. Here’s some close-ups to judge for yourself.
The machining on the light was excellent, and I detected no flaws in the anodizing. This should be expected out of a premium brand flashlight.
Here’s a few beamshots and comparions between the Sipik SK-68, the Spark SG5, and the Fenix LD15. Fenix claims the light outputs 117 lumens on high and 8 lumens on low. Since I have yet to build an integrating “sphere” these beamshots will have to do. Looking around online though, other reviews state that the figures are pretty accurate and other samples have only been off in the single digits.
These are in the same room but with the lights back by the camera (about an additional 10 feet)
Here they are on a tripod about 1 foot from the wall.
Here is the Fenix underexposed a bit so you can see the beam profile a bit better.
Here they are a bit further away.
Ok how about the runtime tests. Fenix says simply 1 hour and 30 mins on high. And 39 hours on low. My tail cap readings were 1.85 on high and .05 on low.
Here’s high mode. It starts to significantly drop between the hour and hour and 1 hour and 10 minute mark, after being relatively constant in the first hour. Over the next fifty minutes it does a steady drop until about 2 hours where it shuts of entirely. The last 10 minutes are basically a moonlight mode with very little useable light.
Here’s the low run time. I tried a fairly new duraloop first that I thought was fully charged and only got 15ish hours. I can’t explain why as it came right off the charger. After a second attempt with a third generation eneloop I got about 36 hours, with the last hour or so being barely usable amounts of light. You should be good with 34-35 hours of good light in the neighborhood of the fenix claimed 8 lumens. Please note that since the mode spacing is quite wide I used a different shutter speed for low mode.
Ok so that about wraps it up. I wish the light had a pocket clip, so I might be tempted to EDC it in a pocket, and a moonlight mode would have made it the perfect light most tasks. As it is the mode spacing is pretty good, especially when you need to squeeze long run times out of the light. If you’d like to know what accessories it comes with you can check out the video. But do note that it comes with a lanyard, a keyring adapter, and some o-rings
Anyway thanks for looking!