Alright BLF’ers, here is my latest review. I have been churning out quite a few of these… Ok well 3 this month. If you haven’t seen them, there’s the Rayus U10 and the Skilhunt H02C color headlamp.
So this is the third light I’ve reviewed from Rayus, and as far as I’m concerned they’re up there with Fenix, Xtar, Nitecore, and Sunwaymans. They’ve got complex drivers that allow flexible programming options, and are constructed out of top notch materials.
Like my other recent reviews, this was also shot with nice cameras, and plays more like a short film. I’ve tried to make them a little bit shorter because I know it’s sometimes tedious to watch product reviews. I have fun making them, and no two of my reviews are the same. Hope you like it, and I also hope you get a chance to checkout a light from Rayus. This light was provided by review by Rayus and Michigan-based Tech Tool. Be sure you subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss my reviews. If you’d like to buy the light they’re in stock at Tech Tool Supply. Be sure to watch my videos in 1080p, if your Youtube player doesn’t default to it already. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention… it doesn’t tailstand well- but I don’t know if that’s really a deal breaker in this sort of light honestly.
Another nice review! Thanks! I believe beacon mode is a slow strobe, 1 sec on 2 sec off +/-... It's used a lot on submarines, towboats and navigational aids.
Thanks, and there’s a special appearance by the X6.
Yes several of my lights, have this feature. But this light I think mistakenly once calls the Moonlight mode “Beacon” in the lumen/mode grid at .5 lumens but moonlight is not mentioned there. Moonlight is then referred to in the mode groups and programming section, but Beacon is absent. I’m pretty sure there is no Beacon mode in this light. I haven’t been able to find it. Here’s the manual so you can check it out for yourself.
I used two. My main camera is the Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera. It uses a Micro Four Thirds mount, and has time lapse, but only shoots video despite looking like an SLR. My second camera is the Panasonic GH3, which uses the same lenses. I use mostly the GH3 when I need an articulating screen so I can see what I’m shooting when I’m standing in front of the camera. The cinema camera shoots better video though, and I prefer using it. The only thing is you need to do a bit of color correction when you shoot with it.
What kind of attachment device are you using to mount lights to the tripod for beamshots?
Another random thought now that the vid is over-
This is not a jab at you or Rayus in any way, (mostly a jab at BLF users and other purchasers of advanced flashlights, all I good fun)… I wonder if Rayus gets any nasty emails like I sometimes do telling them their UI is to hard to use and that if you can’t memorize the programming method it’s to hard. Cause that sure does happen to me. Everyone wants a light that works exactly how they want, we figure out a way to allow that with end-user programming configurations [which btw you don’t have to use, ever, you can easily use the light how it comes and never have to access programming once] but then “your UI is to hard” and “MAKE IT EASIER TO USE” (both direct quotes from BLF members, (I won’t name names lol) emails show up.
Back to your review- I enjoy your reviews man, I have no problem watching a 8-10 minute video as long as it’s entertaining (yours always are), I say no need to cut them down like this one!
I don’t know if this will be disappointing to hear or not- cheap Duck Tape from walmart. I’ll reuse the same piece until it no longer sticks. The tripod works great because it’s an old piece of junk that has a flat top.
My most used light is a Sunwayman V11r. It’s advanced but simple and it’s pocket-able. If you want to be able to customize the PT11, you’ll always need the manual or quick guide to be able to do it (or watch my video because the quick guide is there). But… you can pick it up out of the box and use the tailcap to turn the light on and off, and switch through the modes. It’s basically like a Sunwayman D40A. The UI on this light is actually simple though- you can build it simple or complex. You can basically turn it into a one mode light if you want. And as far as I can see from my 2 weeks worth of use, it will save it to memory indefinitely until you decide to reprogam it. Programming isn’t THAT bad either. It’s 3 groups of presses to do anything to the light.
Thanks for the comments, glad you like the reviews. It’s a little difficult coming up with a different scenario everytime I get a new light. I think I need to take a break for a bit, because 3 in a month is a little too much work. I shoot probably an hour of video for each review over the course of a few weeks, not counting the timelapse I set up in the cellar for 3-24 hours for each mode. I color correct, tweak the audio, and redo a lot of crappy shots that I don’t like.
Oh, I’m a cheap bastard for sure. I paid $3 for that tripod I think, the one my camera sits on was free.
Do you have anywhere you can go underground around you (you might be surprised). That’s always a good option for something different. Here I’ve got a few awesome places that would really make for good video reviews.
I dont know about there (and I just checked and the site is down at the moment) but there’s a site called ColumbusUnderground that has all these cool little not well known places around here (plus I know of some others), maybe you can find some cool places for future reviews to make it more interesting. Not much better of a way to show off a light than by going under ground where there is zero lighting.
I don’t think so but I’ll check it out. Northern VA underground looks more like a local message board where people call each other ’Racist” and argue- rather than a place where people talk about exploration. I’d like to shoot something underground- although I suspect that photographs work better than video does, only because you need a lot more light for video. But I could make it work. I like it when it snows because the snow reflects a lot of light, as does the air- so the lights look nice and bright. So maybe a cave or cavern with low ceilings would do the trick. I’m near a national park, so during camping season that gives me some extra stuff to do. I need to go and experiment with a few lower shutter angles, to see how well they work. I moved this year, so now I have a few more things to shoot around, but on one side of the house there’s an apartment and on the other side a house. So I’m sure when I’m out late at night shining big lights the neighbors wonder what’s going on. One yelled at me in the dark and asked if they could help me. I said “No, I live here.”
Oh columbusunderground is the same way with a bunch of d-bag’s fighting about nothing but there is also a good amount of info posted on the forums, there’s one sub-forum in particular where people post stuff they find that’s cool to check out and unknown by the masses. It’s not just about [literally] underground sites, it’s stuff that’s not well known.