ImA4Wheelr, did you ever get yours open? I just made another attempt at it, but went a little longer with the torch. Also used rubber coated gloves and a strap wrench. This is some crazy strong glue they have. My dad is a retired machine repairman and could probably do this in his sleep. I’ll see if he has any tricks up his sleeve.
Mine is still sealed tight. Intracloud PM's me a great idea I would like to try out. It involves using two pieces of wood with v-shaped notches to old the head in a bench vice and then using a flat bar put down into the battery tube and a crescent wretch to turn the flat bar. Hope that suggesting helps.
Thank you for the update Intracloud. Do you have a picture that could help show what I tried to explain above?
Dont have a picture of the wood with the v-shaped notches, just made a quick mockup showing the flat bar technique.
Instead of using strap wrenches use two power drill handles that tighten around the body behind the chuck. I had one from a Makita that fit and found a second one in a local used parts bin. They have semi rigid round clamping surfaces and evenly apply pressure. Separate bands of masking tape around the body and bezel to protect the ano and take up the slack then go for it with the bezel clamp low on the threads rather than high near the lens as the body is much stronger and backs up the bezel there. No vice just full body weight. Counter clockwise to loosen(normal right hand threads).
Finally got mine opened using the torch, rubber gloves, and gerbil technique. I’ll have my review up this weekend. Was able to take amp readings at the led. This really is a nice AA light.
Nice review ImA4Wheelr.
Nice, creative thinking there. Gotta try that.
Congrats WillyD. Not sure what the "gerbil" technique is, but looking forward to reading about it in your review. Also looking forward to what you find out about what's going on in this mystery light.
Thank you firedome :)
Even with ordinary strap wrenches wrapping the parts with tape can improve grip. Especially if you use double stick tape.