This post is getting dumber and dumber by the minute. This light has already proven itself and ya’all gave it a high rating in 2021. Electronic switches have parasitic drain, get over it. We all saw the teardown, we all read the reviews. You are embarrassing yourselves because this is all well documented. Read, read, read, then post.
But……the light is defective. There ain’t no two ways about it. It has some fine qualities and some glaring faults. Shouldn’t we bring this to the attention of the manufacturer?
The parasitic drain that occurs when the switch button LED is enabled is unfortunate. However, it certainly doesn't affect the TS21's functionality or effectiveness as an Illumination tool. Regardless, owners can always ask Wurkkos about mutually acceptable solutions.
Aside from the parasitic battery draining issue of the switch LED, the same goes for anyone whose TS21 is otherwise definitively determined to be parasitically draining it's battery at an unacceptably high rate.
Personally, for a $30, solidly-built flashlight with as many features and functions as the TS21, not enabling any of the switch LED's 3 available settings has never been an issue! In fact, although my first TS21s were received before the parasitic drain issue was noticed, I nevertheless ordered the Nichia 219C version when it became available without confirmation that the parasitic drain issue was resolved, because the TS21 is an amazing value!
Despite of any parasitic drain issue, I nevertheless keep the switch LED enabled on the solid-low setting on the two TS21s I use daily within my home, because the convenience of on-board charging negates any inconvenience associated with a prematurely draining cell.
As for the TS21 that I keep in my vehicle, although the switch button LED is disabled, any possible battery draining issue is alternatively negated by simply backing off the tailcap a turn or two.
In spite of Wurkkos failing to locate & troubleshoot the issues that were subsequently found to plague the switch button's integrated, multi-functional LED, I'm betting that Wurkkos will leverage the technical feedback they have since received, ad nauseum, from their loyal BLF customer base, by making certain that those issues are fully resolved in a revised version of the TS21!
The upcoming TS22 (the single LED version of the TS21) will hopefully be a reflection of how seriously Wurkkos listens to this forum's feedback and suggestions.
I'm also hoping that Wurkkos will soon offer a revised successor to the TS21 to those owners that ordered & received their units before the parasitic battery draining issues were found by BLF members and fixed by Wurkkos. In lieu of those who have already exchanged, or are in the process of exchanging their problematic TS21s, perhaps making the remaining TS21 owners whole, or otherwise satisfied, could be accomplished through some type of discount program that allows those owners to purchase either a fully revised & updated TS21 or the new TS22 at appropriately discounted prices. WURKKOS...YES?
My two both have issues other than parasitic drain. I have posted about it months ago and have yet to see any fixes. Never formally complained but enough people have posted and no fixes have been offered voluntarily.
The switch button LED turning Blue without a confirmed reason from Wurkkos as to why it does that...sure, I concede. In fact, since I may have been one of the very first to receive the TS21 after its launch, as I recall, I was the first to ask about the Blue LED oddity. Regardless, it remains a non-issue.
Anything else worthy of characterizing the TS21 as a defective product?
LOL. Yes, it has all be documented and on the record, including an acknowledgement of the issues, and a purported solution that has seemingly never been implemented.
Whether the product, in its current guise, meets one’s personal standards is subjective, but the facts, and actions, or lack thereof, cannot be disputed.
Personally, as a paying customer, I’d rather not be an unwitting beta tester as well, but that’s not unusual in this hobby, nor is Wurkkos unique in that regard.
If they choose not to fix the bugs in their product, like a good developer would, then they must also accept the risk of losing their customers, and damaging their reputations.
Nor would I. And like many, I very rarely purchase the first run or iteration of any high tech, complicated, or expensive product for precisely the reason you gave. So the TS21 is that rare example of throwing caution to the wind! But at ~$30 each, it was worth doing so. And I'm glad I did, in spite the minor hiccups. I otherwise agree with you.
I don’t really care about the switch light either. The main issue I have with both of my early batch lights is the battery check feature while in simple mode. The readings are just all over the place. Even in advanced mode the first reading is useless but after that is ok. That and sometimes while charging the switch light goes nuts. I agree the light has some nice attributes but it seems the later models are still being produced with the same bugs.
Do you mean that the first read out is inaccurate and you have to wait for it to flash again for it to be the correct reading?
I think that is what mine seems to be doing sometimes.
Yeah, that’s it, and because there is only one read out in simple mode it never is correct. I’m talking much more difference than 1 or 2 tenths of a volt deviation.