All 3 LEDs have connectors at one side (the ones inside the dome), but the LED not lighting up has the connectors on the outside.
A and B light up, C does not - the connectors are different.
Am I right I would simply have to desolder the LED and reverse it?
How can I desolder the LED? I see 2 blobs of solder, one on the plus side, one on the negative side. Do I simply have to desolder the both and lift the LED?
Or is there a solder blob right underneath the body of the LED giving it superb heat dissipation? (Like a BGA soldering)
What is your suggested temperature to desolder the LED? I use a TS100 iron with the TS-BC2 tip. Should I use a different tip?
Would this job be more suited for a hot air station or would this melt the LED dome? (I do not have a hot air station)
what i would to is get a small frying pan, put it on a stove, low flame, put the mcmcb on it and wait, while watching, as soon as you see solder become mirror like shiny, and leds move, use tweezers to remove and turn the led around, you do not need extra solder, try to get it done within 10 or so seconds, then shut off the heat. I reflowed hundreds of leds using simple frying pan and a gas stove.
Oh, and do not use a pan you still wanna use for cooking… Most solder is leaded, that stuff is vile to have in contact with anything food related. Or pay very, very much attention that only the raw copper/alu of the PCB touches the pan, and no thermal compound, solder or flux may reach it.
yes, you do not want to use same pan for cooking, I use small 4 in pan for all my reflow, a tiny 1 egg pan. idk why my wife bought it, what she wanted to cook in that tiny pan, she never did, but i got for my needs. it is perfect size.