So, I’ve salvaged a Jacob A60 I gave to my 5 year old son some time ago, after being very disappointed with the overall quality & beam pattern of this light. The first one actually ended up in the bin, the 2nd one went to my son. I felt a bit bad about what I did… so I got hold of the one my son had and told myself I’ll give it my best to see what I can push from it. I decided on a de-domed XP-G2 S4 2B with a 20mm FET driver.
And, I ended up with… yes, I also cannot believe it… 6300 lux with turn on at 6.2 meters with an Efest Purple 35A. That’s 242 172 lux (984m). To make 100% sure I was not dreaming, I measured my tricked out Convoy C8 with de-domed XP-L V6 2C. Got 3620 lux @ 6.2m. This translates to 139k lux, which I know is correct because this is what I’ve measured before. I use a Dr. Meter LX1330B.
Edit: Lumen readings in my light sphere was 968.6 with turn-on, 926.6 @ 30s.
Tint came out well, beam very ugly & ringy, with an obvious nice intense hotspot. The hotspot is quite usable, not bad. I have not measured amps at the tail yet. Edit: Amps measued at 4.7 with my fluke 374 clamp meter.
Herewith a summary of the build:
Self built MTN-20DD Driver.
De-domed XP-G2 S4 2B.
22 Gauge wire.
Braided tail & driver springs.
Cleaned out the paint on the mounting area of the MCPCB.
I’ve made use of this LED insulation gasket / spacer, sanded down. Take note: I believe this spacer is actually intended for XM-L LEDs. I’ve turned it upside down and it fitted perfectly over the XP-G2. Centering of the LED was not easy because the spacer has no slot that marries with the reflector. Was trial & error to get it perfectly centered.
I’ve checked the photos now… it looks as if the LED is slightly off-center in the photos, but on the wall its absolutely perfect. So, somewhere something has some tolerance that causes this. Anyway, just an FYI…
All pics are taken with my Galaxy S4 I don’t have a proper camera for beam shots. I’ll see if I can get manual camera settings working on my S4 to try some beamshots.
Yes they should be ok. This is new XP-G2 and dd driver. Regular one should do about 200kcd, and some guys got even lower than that. Secret is with centering.