Samsung Galaxy Note II

After 3 years of using iPhone 3g I decided it’s time to buy something new. Two weeks ago I visited my mobile carrier to see what are they offering and got myself a good deal on Samsung Galaxy Note II.
I won’t be doing a full review (I can if you guys want), just a few things I discovered that may concern BLF community.

1. Battery

It uses a massive 3100 mAh 11.78 Wh Li-ion battery. It appears that Samsung is using a new higher voltage chemistry because it’s rated at nominal 3.8 V. 4.35 V appears to be fully charged voltage.

Same thing can be seen on a S3 battery

and on iPhone 5 battery (but 4.3 V fully charged, made by Sony and Samsung)

According to some articles, new chemistry has a lifespan of 800 cycles.


Charger is rated at 5.0 V 2.0 A. It charges battery from 10% to 100% in 150 minutes. No sign of heat on charger or battery.

3.Ambient light sensor

According to Samsung, a previous versions of ambient light sensors were able to detect only green channel light. S3 and Note II uses a RGB sensor, making it more accurate.
Sniffing around some hidden options I discovered that it’s reading lux (0-102647), red channel (0-65535), green channel (0-65535), blue channel (0-65535) and white channel (0-65535) in +1 increments.
I don’t have a lux meter to compare readings, but seems pretty accurate. Still didn’t find the relationship between lux and R,B,G,W readings.

4. 5.5” AMOLED screen

Currently the best and brightest Samsung AMOLED (each pixel is a light source, there is no backlight) screen rated at 402 nits (478 nits according to some other sources). It is not as bright as some LED screens (iPhone 5 at 640 nits), but thanks to it’s size, it can light a room nicely.

5.Camera LED

LED appears to be PWM controlled (just have to find a way to control it), and thanks to a huge battery can be used as flashlight :bigsmile:

dying to buy this phone.

the cradle that has usb in and hdmi out would be perfect to go with my new projector

unfortunately, i refuse to give up my verizon unlimited data, so it will be awhile before I drop 6 bills on a toy i don’t need!

At least on my 4S the battery is 100% at 4.2 volts and dead at 3.45 volts.

I’m on the fence between it and a SIII. I’m with AT&T & will prolly stick with the Costco plan I currently have. Ya know it’s quite a bit bigger than the SIII but I don’t thiink it’s necessarily tard-bigger. It sure looks awesome from the demo unit I’ve seen at Costco. :bigsmile:

So yeah. Review! H) :beer: x :beer:

I have the note I for almost a year & love it so much!

My thoughts exactly. I would like to get a Note II but can’t justify the upgrade cost. I also want to see what andriod 4.1 will bring to the Note I in the next couple of weeks. It seems weird to say, but I don’t think I could live without this style and size of phone now.

Would love to see a full on blf style review of this. Im probably going to be getting this phone. Im currently on sprint with unlimited data in a lte area.

I’ve had this phone for I think a month now, and I am in love. Last phone I had was a samsung Infuse which died while i was here, walked around with a cheap huawei phone for a while until I bought this puppy, a few things that stuck out…

-The battery on this is a beast, After a day of continued use, I put it down to 50%. This could last 2 days on a charge and it is wonderful. It charges really slow though, but usually just charge it on the computer during the day and its plugged in when i’m home. Never have to worry about battery dying.

- OS is smooth and responsive. Jellybean works great and I have only a few instances where it has crashed, but it was due to a interence with a 3rd party app.

- I don’t use the pen as much as I wanted to, but its great when I do. late I can update this post with some sketches I do with the pen. :). BEWARE: the pen bug where the pen writes and does wierd stuff while hovering over the screen, and not touching. This has to do with the calibration and sensitivity in the pen. You can google the fix, but you basically have to take off the button cap and rotate this small piece of the sensor.

- screen is beautiful, I love it that the OS makes it really easy to change screen brightness now.

- love the color LED notification on the front.

- Will post more on this later, gotta leave work!

- PS. you need big hands, or the size is gonna bother you.

Had the Note 2 for a few weeks now and the battery life just keeps on giving and giving.

thats awesome my lg viper has terrible battery life

under AT&T. I told the guy it’s nice, quad 4 processor and all :open_mouth: , but it ain’t that nice.

He sez they won’t come down significantly in price for a long time if ever. Right.

I’ll be seeing him in about another 2 months, tops. :smiley: