Sanyi Giveaway +Special Offer (WINNER ANNOUNCED )

Flashlight can be used to keep my other flashlights company :smiley:

The flashlight can be used as a flashlight.

The flashlight can be used for modding :smiley: .

Flashlights used for lighting up the night.

Welcome to BLF.

The flashlight can be used to light your way in dark places !

Iā€™m in. Looks like a good go bag light.

Thanks for the giveaway! Flashlight can be used as a spare for my cooler.

flashlight can be used for XXX. yep... the light can be used to read at night under the covers or for.....

Flash Dance practice

Holy Cats! This must be a popular flashlight! Just look how many people joined just today (Mar 17), from all over the planet, and all have exactly 3 posts each, just to comment on this light!

The lucky stars must be in alignment, so Iā€™m in!

Iā€™ll use the tactical light to find the mini

welcome ot BLF :slight_smile: - Flashlight can be used for camping during the night!

How much you want to bet these are all the same person?

BTW, I'm not in this giveaway.

What?? Say it ainā€™t so!

Boy, thanks for popping my bubbleā€¦

Waaaait a sec. ā€œJhonā€ misspelled his nameā€¦ and Tabitha is a guy!

Holy Bā€™harni! You might be right!

Maybe Enda11 is really Matija5850? :smiley:

(I know, I know, Iā€™m going to Hellā€¦ :smiley: )

Thanks for GAW. Flaslight can be used to check out Spring Break Night Time Bikini Chicks. Local beaches full of em next couple of week ends on Gulf Coast. :heart_eyes:

flashlight can be used for newbie tinkering

Count me out. When you are on a hiking tour and you are stopped by a canyon, use your xxx-fire flashlight to estimate the depth of the canyon. Just toss it in and count the seconds till you hear clunck. 1sec = 16ft. 2sec=64ft. 3sec=144ft. And so on. An xxx-fire also works in total darkness.

Flashlight can be used to annoy your wife and friends with your ā€œweirdā€ hobbyā€¦

We will recheck it, if it confirmed to be the same person, we will cancel their qualifications,Thank you for your participation.

You might want to contact the admin.

He can usually tell if someone has multiple BLF accounts.